Page 14 - GP Spring 2024
P. 14

                                                                                  1.  Peumans,  M.  et  al.  Effective  Protocol  for
                                                                                  Daily High-quality Direct Posterior Composite
                                                                                  Restorations.  The  Interdental Anatomy  of  the
                                                                                  Class-2 Composite Restoration.
                                                                                  2. Bernardo, M. Survival and reasons for fail-
                                                                                  ure of amalgam versus composite posterior res-
                                                                                  torations placed in a randomized clinical trial.
                                                                                  JADA. 2007; 138 (6): 775-83.
                                                                                  3. Opdam, N.J.M. 12-year Survival of Compos-
                                                                                  ite vs. Amalgam Restorations. J Dent Res. 2010
                                                                                  89(10): 1063-1067.
        Figure 4: At the start of the re-do, a wooden                             4.  Moraschini,  V.  et  al.  Amalgam  and  resin
        wedge was used to create interdental sepa-  Figure 7: Bioclear’s white twin-ring used   composite longevity of posterior restorations: A
        ration. A wooden wedge can provide sepa-  due to its ability to grip the wedge in thick   systemic review and meta-analysis. Journal of
        ration force greater than a plastic wedge.    tissue without popping off.   Dentistry. 2015; 43 (9): 1043-1050.
                                                                                  5. Schwendicke, F. et al. Managing Carious Le-
                                             The twin-ring creates additional tooth sep-  sions: Consensus Recommendations on Carious
                                             aration force that helps to compensate for   Tissue Removal. Advances in Dental Research.
                                             the thickness of the mylar matrix.   2016; 28 (2): 58-67.

                                             Composite  masses  on  buccal  and  lingual
                                             are  for  the  Bioclear’s  “Spot  Weld”  tech-     Daniel Abelson  grad-
                                             nique,  which,  in  combination  with  Bio-        uated  from the  Colum-
                                             clear’s Push-Pull instrument, ensures tight,       bia University College
                                             broad, and anatomical contacts.                    of Dental Medicine. He
                                                                                                practices in Manhattan,

        Figure 5: Bioclear regular length diamond
        wedge was too short and appeared to exit                                                Arthur Volker lectures
        apical to the lingual papilla.
                                                                                                nationally  and interna-
                                                                                                tionally  on topics such
                                                                                                as cosmetic dentistry,
                                                                                                minimally invasive den-
                                                                                                tistry, and dental mate-
                                                                                                rials. He practices in
                                                                                   Sunnyside, NY.
                                             Figure 8a. Post-op photo showing broad
                                             buccal-lingual and occlusal-gingival contact.

        Figure  6: Gingivectomy  performed on
        lingual papilla to aid in placement of the
        wedge.  A long Bioclear diamond orange
        wedge was used, which was suitable for the
        bucco-palatal width.
        The  diamond  cut-out,  which  collapses
        during  placement  and  then  opens  again,
        allows the wedge to fit into smaller spac-
        es while still maintaining a tight seal at the   Figure  8b.  Post-op  bitewing  radiograph
        gingival margin.                     showing broad buccal-lingual  and occlu-

        The  Evolve  Pink  matrix,  selected  due  to   sal-gingival contact.
        its  wide  bucco-palatal  dimension  and  flat   Conclusion
        emergence  profile,  closely  approximated   This case demonstrates the challenge of re-
        the  mesial  interproximal  anatomy  of  the   storing an upper second molar with a deep,
        upper second molar.                  subgingival cavity. Selecting the most ap-
                                             propriate matrix system is a significant fac-
        Enameloplasty was performed on the distal   tor in recreating ideal interdental anatomy.
        surface of the adjacent first molar to pre-  In  this  case,  the  Bioclear  Evolve  Matrix
        vent the matrix from folding in on itself.  improved  clinical  results  compared  to  a
                                             standard circumferential matrix. l Spring 2024 l GP 14
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