Page 18 - GP Spring 2024
P. 18

For the Love of Teeth:  A Historical Look at Teeth Whitening

                                               Author: Geri Robin, DMD, FAGD
        Walk  into  any  dental  office,  and  what  do  They used a paste of ground pumice stone  infected bleeding gums, they noticed they
        you  see?  Comfortable  dental  chairs,  soft  and wine vinegar. The paste was brushed  had brighter and whiter teeth.
        head pillows, fragrant aromas, comfy blan-  onto  the  teeth  with  chewed-up  twigs.  In
        kets,  top-of-the-line  headphones,  fashion-  those days, the average life span was only  Now, we have many different products and
        able eyewear, and anything else that pro-  35  years,  so  hopefully,  there  wasn’t  too  concentrations  of  whitening  products  to
        vides patients with a sense of security and  much nerve damage from the pumice and  fulfill the needs of our patients.
        ease. A dental visit is no longer the cold,  acidic vinegar before the transition into the
        institutional setting it once was.    heavens!                            Currently,  bleaching/whitening  is  one  of
                                                                                  the few procedures that patients look for-
        Patients  don’t  come  to  us  just  because  Around 2,000 years ago, Ancient Romans  ward to having done.  There are important
        of tooth pain anymore. They desire to be  also had some interesting ideas for tooth-  points to ensure the bleaching experience is
        beautiful.  So,  when  did  we  become  ob-  paste.  They  used  goat’s  milk  and  stale  successful.
        sessed with beautifying our teeth?   urine.  Interestingly, urine contains ammo-
                                             nia,  a  bleaching  agent  that  kills  bacteria.  Research has shown that the greatest suc-
        Fun fact. The archaeological evidence that  Not such a far-fetched idea.  cess comes from a dual approach of in-of-
        goes  back  more  than  14,000  years  ago                                fice AND home bleaching.
        shows that grinding, filling, and actual mu-  Documentation  has  been  found  of  this
        tilation of teeth occurred. There’s also ev-  when Ancient Roman bodies were discov-  Another  important  point  is  that  everyone
        idence of orthodontic treatment. Egyptians  ered  postmortem  with  traces  of  ammonia  bleaches up differently. The yellow/orange/
        used metal bands to move teeth, and wires  in  their  teeth.   Some  of  the  ingredients  brown  shades  are  more  easily  bleached
        of  gold  and  silver  were  used  to  replace  the Greeks and Romans used consisted of  than  the  stubborn  blue/gray  shades.  We
        missing teeth.  There is no need for cement  burnt eggshells, powder of ox hooves, and  can still get good results, but these shades
        with these primitive yet creative bridges.  fresh herbs.                  demand diligence. Sometimes, it takes up
                                                                                  to three months of compliant weekly home
        Many tribes from Indonesia, India, and Af-  The ancients went to barbers to get haircuts,  bleaching to get the desired results.
        rica believed modifying teeth had magical  heal  toothaches,  and  bleach  their  teeth.
        powers.  The  filing  of  teeth  had  a  role  in  The chosen method of whitening teeth was  One’s lifestyle, including diet, plays a large
        intimidation,  protection,  and  sexual  func-  to file them down and apply nitric acid to  part in maintaining bright white teeth. 17
        tion.  It’s hard to say what really went on in  remove the stains.  This method made just
        the bedroom, but it shows that this obses-  as much sense as using leeches to cure dis-
        sion was powerful!                   ease. Although nitric acid made teeth whit-  There’s a flood of at-home bleaching prod-
                                             er, the damaged enamel made teeth more  ucts on the market. We know gel decom-
        Toothbrushing  has  an  interesting  history  susceptible to decay.       poses quickly and loses its potency after a
        as  well.  Egyptians  had  meticulously  pre-                             short time, so if one bleaches longer than
        served toothbrushes in tombs. They created  As dentistry became a respected practice,  the suggested wear time, they’re just suck-
        twigs with frayed edges to apply the paste  we  were  able  to  make  more  reasonable  ing on a gel in a tray.
        to clean stains and freshen breath. It seems  attempts  to  whiten  teeth  and  keep  people
        they wanted to look their best for the af-  safe. Welcome hydrogen peroxide.   We have learned much about the process.
        terlife. 5
                                             “Jean Harlow, an American cinematic ac-  Seeing brighter teeth at their hygiene visit
        Islam was the first global religion to place  tress  and  leading  sex  symbol  back  in  the  motivates the patient to do more!
        an  emphasis  on  bodily  hygiene.  Prophet  1930s,  became  famous  for  her  “silvery
        Mohammad  popularized  the  first  tooth-  locks”  and  bad  girl  image  thanks  to  the  References:
        brush around the 7th Century, using a twig  magic of hydrogen peroxide.” We discov-  1.
        from the Miswak tree.  Fresh breath with-  ered it works wonders on teeth as well.  earth/13-000-year-old-fillings-prove-ancient-
        out a minty mouthwash!                                                    dentistry-was-brutal.  Last  accessed  December
                                             As  early  as  1884,  peroxide  was  used  to   2023.
        Compared to the permanent deformation of  whiten teeth.  Although trench mouth was   2. Pinchi V, Barbieri P, Pradella F, Focardi M,
                                                                                  Bartolini  V,  Norelli  GA.  Dental  Ritual  Muti-
        teeth, we have come a long way by embrac-  documented  as  early  as  the  4th  century   lations  and  Forensic  Odontologist  Practice:  a
        ing toothbrushes and toothpaste.     B.C.,  the  term  “trench  mouth”  came  into   Review of the Literature. Acta Stomatol Croat.
                                             use  during World War  I  when  soldiers  in   2015 Mar;49(1):3-13. doi: 10.15644/asc49/1/1.
        What about whitening? Were our ancestors  battlefield trenches suffered from poor oral   PMID: 27688380; PMCID: PMC4945341.
        concerned  about  the  color  of  their  teeth?  hygiene, intense psychological stress, and   3. Abraham CM. A brief historical perspective
        Evidence shows they were. The Egyptians,  poor diet, leading them to develop severe   on  dental  implants,  their  surface  coatings  and
        4,000 years ago, were obsessed with eternal  infections of the gums. 14   treatments. Open Dent J. 2014 May 16;8:50-5.
        life and beauty.  They believed the Gods fa-                              4.Koesbardati  T  et  all.  Cultural  Dental  Modi-
        vored humans with white teeth. 8     It  has  been  noted  that  while  the  soldiers   fication in Prehistoric Population in Indonesia.
                                             were  rinsing  with  peroxide  to  help  their   International  Association  for  Paleodontolo-
                                                                                  gy, 2015.

 l Spring 2024 l GP 18
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