Page 17 - GP Spring 2020
P. 17

dard anesthetic  cartridges.  The cartridges  The cartridge was placed in a standard as-  tality at the 7 day recall appointment was
        were then emptied and washed, along with  pirating syringe, and the solution was de-  analyzed.
        the rubber plungers, with soap and water  posited through the perforation site using a
        rinsed  in tap  water  using a  nylon  bristle  27-gauge ultra-short needle with light pres-  TEST GROUPS
        brush and autoclaved. Using sterile tech-  sure. The cartridge contents were delivered
        nique, each   anesthetic cartridge was filled  into the cancellous space over a two minute   NUMBER    INJECTION
        with either 1.0 ml of Depo-Medrol or 1.0  time  period. If deposition  required  more   GROUPS  OF    TECHNIQUE  AGENTS
        ml of 0.9% preservative-free sterile saline  than light pressure, the needle was rotated   PATIENTS
        solution,  delivered  with a tuberculin  sy-  90 degrees and the solution deposited.
        ringe, and the rubber stopper replaced. The                                                Intraosseous   1.0ml
        cartridges were wrapped with opaque tape  In Group III, 20 patients were given an-  I  20   injection    Depomedrol
        and a 4-digit random number was written  tibiotics  (amoxicillin  500 mg)  thrice  dai-    (Test group)  (40mg/ml)
        on the tape to blind the solutions. The enve-  ly for 3 days and recalled  on 7  day for
        lopes were available to the primary inves-  pulpectomy.                                    Intraosseous
        tigator at all times, in case of necessity. 40                                              injection    1.0 ml
        cartridges are prepared and kept by co-in-  In Group IV, 20 patients received an in-  II  20  (Control   Sterile
        vestigator containing either of the solutions   traosseous  injection  using  2%  lidocaine   group)   Saline
        and operator was unaware of the content   with  1:100,000 epinephrine  and  the  Sta-        Oral
        of solutions. Twenty intraosseous 2% lido-  bident system. Emergency access opening   III  20  medication   Amoxicillin
        caine cartridges were kept ready.    and pulpectomy were performed. The ac-                            500mg
                                             cess cavity was temporized with IRM after             (Test group)
        In Groups I and II, all patients were anes-  occlusal  reduction.  Patients  were recalled   Intraosseous   2%
        thetized with 0.2ml 2% lidocaine with epi-  after 7 days to continue root canal treat-  IV  20  injection    Lidocaine
        nephrine  at the intraosseous perforation  ment.                                           (Test group)
        site. The co-investigator handed a cartridge
        to the investigator, who was blind about the   All 80 patients received a survey question-
        contents, and an intraosseous injection of   naire  along  with twenty  acetominophen  Results
        1ml solution was administered  to the pa-  tablets (Tylenol). They were instructed to  Out of eighty adult volunteers who partic-
        tient  in the attached  gingiva distal to the   take them only in the case of severe pain.  ipated in the study, forty-four (55%) were
        teeth using the Stabident system.    Patients were advised to note the consump-  males and thirty-six (45%) were females in
                                             tion of analgesics on the form for 7 days  the age group of 18 – 35 years, with a mean
        The area of perforation was determined by  and return the remaining  tablets. Details  age of 28 ±4.9 years.
        the horizontal  line  of the  buccal  gingival  about  the  dosage  of  medication  and  fre-
        margins of adjacent teeth and a vertical line  quency were labelled on the bottle.    The  80 patients who participated  in  the
        that  passed through the distal  interdental                              study had acute pain and clinical diagnosis
        papilla of the symptomatic tooth. The point   Each patient was asked to fill out a ques-  of acute/symptomatic  irreversible  pulpitis
        2mm below the intersection of these lines   tionnaire every day. They were instructed  associated with the test tooth. Only perma-
        was the perforation site if the site was in   to record pain and percussion pain using  nent maxillary  and mandibular posterior
        attached gingiva. If the site was in alveo-  the 4-point scale used for the initial  pain  teeth were included in this study.
        lar mucosa, the perforation site was moved   recordings. Percussion pain was measured
        just above the junction of the attached gin-  by tapping the tooth with the finger and rate  In group I, all of the patients were admin-
        giva and the alveolar mucosa on the same   the pain. Each patient recorded the number  istered methyl  prednisolone acetate  (De-
        vertical line.                       of tablets taken each day along with the se-  po-Medrol) intraosseously with the Stabi-
                                             verity of pain.                      dent system at the  emergency visit (day 0).
        The cortical plate was perforated using the                               None of the patients in this group required
        Stabident perforator (a bevel-ended  solid   At the recall appointment, pain evaluation  prescribed analgesics during the 7-day pe-
        27-gauge wire attached  to a plastic  hub)   was done on all patients. Vitality was de-  riod. Pulpectomy was performed at the end
        in a contra-angle slow-speed hand piece.   termined for each patient with electric pulp  of the 7-day period under nerve block or
        The perforator was placed  through the   tester and Endo-frost before treatment. All  infiltration.
        gingiva and oriented perpendicular to the   patients  were administered  2% lidocaine
        cortical plate. With the beveled end resting   with 1:100,000 epinephrine  nerve block  On day seven for group II (control
        on the bone, the handpiece was activated   or  infiltration.  In  groups  I,  II  and  III  ac-  group-saline), 3 patients (15%) reported
        in a series of short bursts, using light pres-  cess opening was done and pulpectomy at-  severe pain, 4 patients had moderate pain
        sure, until a “breakthrough” feeling was   tempted. In group IV endodontic treatment  (20%), 3 patients had mild pain (15%), and
        observed. If a “breakthrough” feeling was   continued.                    10 patients did not experience any pain. 7
        not felt, the handpiece was activated again                               patients  needed  analgesics.  Reduction  in
        until the perforator was inserted to length.   Data  was collected  and statistically  ana-  pain intensity in this group from day 0 over
        Before loading the cartridge  into the sy-  lyzed.  The preoperative  parameters were  the  7 day  period  can  be  attributed  to  the
        ringe, the investigator vigorously shook   statistically analyzed using the chi squared  intake of analgesics. After pain evaluation
        the taped cartridge for one minute. Because   test  for  nominally  scaled  variables  (gen-  and vitality testing, pulpectomy was initiat-
        methylprednisolone  acetate  separates out   der); the independent t test for ratio scaled  ed in group II. 7 out of 20 patients reported
        of solution upon standing, shaking of each   variables (age); and the Pearson Chi square   pain and discomfort during access opening
        cartridge ensured that, if the cartridge did   test  for  ordinally  scaled  variables  (pain  and pulpectomy under nerve block. Pulpec-
        contain methylprednisolone, the drug was   and percussion pain) for all 4 study groups  tomy was achieved in the remaining 13 pa-
        back in solution and ready for injection.   which participated in this study. Tooth vi-  tients without pain and discomfort.
                                                                           l Spring 2020 l GP 17
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