Page 19 - GP Spring 2020
P. 19

venience and ease of delivering anesthetic  Efficiency  of  antibiotics  alone  in  con-  On comparison  of the  4 experimental
        solution.  Oral  dosing and  patient  compli-  trolling pain and inflammation is still con-  groups, intraosseous  injection  of methyl
        ance are eliminated by this system and pre-  troversial, even though  some studies have  prenisolone  acetate  produced  significant
        vious research has shown that this system  shown that  tetracyclines  and  macrolide  reduction in pain and percussion pain (p<
        has rapid onset of action. This was proved  antibiotics  were  effective  in controlling  0.0001) over the 7 day  observation period
        to be more successful than periodontal liga-  inflammation.  Studies  showed  antibiotics  when compared to control group saline, an-
        ment injection due to the increased delivery  are not useful in controlling pain in acute  tibiotic group and emergency pulpectomy
        of anesthetic  solution. The  advantages  of  irreversible pulpitis, necrotic pulps and lo-  group.  Pulp testing on seventh day showed
        this method are minimal lingering numb-  calized abcesses (Fouad et al.,Nagle et al.,  that  92%  of  patients of  group  I  had  vital
        ness, more successful than IAN block for  and Agnihotry et al.).  Hence, administra-  pulp. On day seven in group I when pulpec-
        the  teeth with acute  irreversible  pulpitis  tion of oral antibiotics was included as an  tomy was performed under nerve block all
        and the possibility to  perform bilateral  experimental group in this study to evalu-  the patients were pain-free, which may be
        mandibular anesthesia due to the absence  ate their ability in reducing pain associated  due to the anti-inflammatory effect of cor-
        of lip  and tongue anesthesia in this tech-  with acute irreversible pulpitis.  ticosteroids.
        nique, lesser volume of anesthetic solution
        is enough, the anesthetic solution can  be  Wallace et al. demonstrated that the local  On day seven, 92% of the patients in the
        added through the already produced perfo-  anesthetic agents are not sufficient to pre-  methyl prednisolone acetate  group (De-
        ration, if more amount of anesthesia need-  vent impulse transmission as a result of  po-Medrol group), 80% of patients in the
        ed. The Stabident system has inexpensive  their lower excitability thresholds in cases  saline group and 85% in the antibiotic
        start-up costs, disposable costs, ease of op-  of acute irreversible pulpitis. There are few  group had vital pulp and had haemorrhag-
        eration and availability and is mostly sup-  factors that led to the increased failure rate  ic  vital  tissue on coronal  access.  These
        ported by peer-reviewed research (Gallatin  of local anesthesia in acute irreversible pul-  differences  were not of much statistical
        et al., Brahmy et al.) as effective.     pitis.                           significance  and  the  teeth  may  have  re-

                                                                                  mained vital due to the anti-inflammatory
        Previous research has shown that high dos-  1) The central core theory states that the  effects of methyl prednisolone acetate( De-
        es of Methyl prednisolone acetate regimens  nerve on the outside of the nerve bundle  po-Medrol) in group I. 20% of patients (4
        when used with precautions are safe in rou-  supply molar teeth while the nerve on the  patients) in the saline group (group II) test-
        tine  treatment.  Methyl prednisolone  is a  inner supply the anterior teeth.  ed negative to vitality testing since the pulp
        slow-releasing acetate form which is usu-                                 had undergone necrosis. However, the re-
        ally administered for acute dermatitis and   2) Local acidosis (lowering of pH) due to   maining 80% of patients (16 patients) had
        other diseases because of its prolonged an-  tissue  inflammation      causes  trapping  of   vital pulp.  85% of patients in the antibiotic
        ti-inflammatory effect in single high dose   ions in local anesthetic molecules. As a re-  group (group III) had vital pulp since an-
        of 80-120mg, which can be repeated every   sult, the local anesthetic molecules   which   tibiotics do not reduce the pain associated
        5 to 10 days, if necessary. Since methyl   cross the nerve membrane reduces. There   with  symptomatic  irreversible  pulpitis,  in
        prednisolone is a slow-releasing acetate   is less of the ionized form within the nerve   the absence of any systemic involvement.
        form, the 40mg dose used in this study is   to achieve anesthesia.        The polymicrobial nature of the infection,
        considered very safe. The other reason for                                and the  empirically  prescribed  antibiotic
        using the 40mg dose in this study was be-  3) Activation of nociceptors by inflamma-  (Amoxicillin 500mg), a broad spectrum an-
        cause this is the amount available in 1ml,   tory mediators can be another reason for   tibiotic not eliminating the infection could
        and is an appropriate  intraosseous dose.    anesthetic failure.          be the reasons for persistent  infection.  It
        Also, at this dose effective anti-inflamma-                               is assumed that irreversibly damaged pulp
        tory effects can be achieved.        4) Central sensitization,  which is the in-  will continue to degenerate until the pulp
                                             creased excitability of central neurons and   becomes  necrotic  if  this  condition  is  not
        Intraosseous injection can be used as pri-  is a major central mechanism, can lead to   endodontically treated.
        mary anesthetic technique to achieve ad-  hyperalgesia. The suggested hypotheses for
        equate  pulpal  anesthesia  in  both  healthy   reduction in mechanical pain thresholds in   The number of analgesics taken by all the
        and inflamed pulp.  Intra-osseous injection   teeth with irreversible pulpitis includes:   patients was recorded. Over the 7 day peri-
        when used as a primary anesthetic tech-                                   od, no patients in the methyl prednisolone
        nique in non-inflamed teeth provides ade-  •	  Sensitization of pulpal mechano-  group took any analgesics. On day one, 18
        quate pulpal anesthesia in 75% of mandib-   receptors                     patients in the saline group, 13 patients in
        ular molars and 93% of maxillary molars.                                  the antibiotic group and 10 patients in the
                                                 •	  Sensitization  of peri-radicular   lidocaine  group required  analgesics  for
        In a survey conducted by Bangerter et al.   mechanoreceptors              pain control.  These patients  continued  to
        of U.S. endodontists, the most common use                                 take analgesics over the 7 day period. On
        of intraosseous injection  was 62.19% for   •	  Result of central sensitization  day seven, 7 patients in the saline group,
        symptomatic irreversible pulpitis followed   Anatomical factors, thickness and density   7 patients in the antibiotic group and 3 pa-
        by 11.04% for reversible pulpitis, 7.06% for   of alveolar  bone,  decreased  pain  thresh-  tients in the lignocaine group still required
        normal pulp and 4.91% for necrotic pulp.   old, action of inflammatory mediators like   analgesics.  Reduction  in  pain  in  these
        Intraosseous anesthesia was used most in   bradykinin and prostaglandins, incomplete   groups over 7 day period is attributed to the
        the posterior mandible (48.04%) followed   blockage  of impulse transmission  due to   usage of analgesics.
        by the posterior maxilla (21.12%), anteri-  central sensitization are other accepted rea-
        or mandible (16.85%) and anterior maxilla   sons for anesthetic failures. 8

                                                                           l Spring 2020 l GP 19
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