Page 27 - GP Spring 2020
P. 27

When  a  tooth  becomes  symptomatic,  space since she had refused replacement of  back and forth down the straightaways and
      cognitive  dissonance is created  by the  #30, and relieving the occlusion was all that  around the turns from top to bottom till you
      option of salvaging the tooth at a great cost,  was needed to relieve her symptoms.  come  around  the  home  stretch  to  the  fin-
      or extracting the tooth and creating another                               ish line! He looked  excited.  You can run
      problem.  The secret is to be dispassionate in  How can concepts of hypnosis be applied in  that race once or twice every day!  I told
      the informed consent discussion so that the  everyday patient care?  “Hypnosis is a hu-  his mom in private not to ask him again to
      patient will not have buyer’s remorse.  Let  man condition involving focused attention,  brush his teeth, but only occasionally to ask,
      the patient take ownership of the problem.  reduced  peripheral  awareness, and an en-  “How did the race go?”
                                            hanced capacity to respond to suggestion.”
      You see periapical pathology on the x-ray,  Fear can suppress one’s ability to make de-  It  is  important  to  find  out  what  patients
      but the tooth is asymptomatic.    Did you  cisions, so fearful patients  are potentially   like because talking about it can put them
      ever  have  a  patient  that  refuses  treatment  more  vulnerable  to suggestion.    But how   in their happy place.  Associating what pa-
                                                                                 tients like, or are motivated by, with the be-
      despite the fact that you tell them that they  can we get their focused attention?  When   havior you want to suggest is one strategy.
      have an infection?  They are in denial and  I endeavored to improve my conversational   Another strategy involves autosuggestion.
      I’m not talking about the river in Egypt!  “If  skills, I learned that people like to talk about   Telling the patient to meditate and use au-
      it  doesn’t  hurt,  don’t  fix  it”  is  their  man-  themselves,  their work, hobbies, beliefs,   tosuggestion  to  help  them  stop clenching-
      tra.  I tell them that if they wait, the sac of  etc., and that if, upon meeting someone for   “Lips  together, teeth  apart.”,  for instance.
      pus and infection at the tip of the root may  the first time, you ask them what they do   Or monitoring clenching behavior overtly at
      get larger and this may require surgical in-  for a living, how they met their spouse, or   first, then eventually subconsciously can be
      tervention in addition to a root canal, post  how they became interested in their favor-  effective if you suggest that they suggest it
      and crown if they choose to restore.  There  ite hobby, they are quite happy to tell you   to themselves when meditating.  I tell them
      is also a chance that chronically infected  all about it, and are glad you asked.  I also  that they can command their higher centers
      lower molars can create a potentially fatal  noticed  that almost everyone is proud of  of the brain to do things and it really works.
      consequence (Ludwig’s angina).  This cre-  their  heritage,  and  it  seems  that  everyone  Note that this also begs the concept of the
      ates cognitive dissonance that may get the  thinks their own culture is the best.  So I of-  Placebo effect; another powerful technique
      patient to agree to treatment.        ten will ask people about their nationality,  that uses the power of your authority and
                                            and, having learned something about their  suggestibility with no side effects.
      The patient needs an extraction of a hopeless   culture, practices, or heroes, mention it to
      infected tooth.  You tell them that it needs to   show my interest, love or respect for their   Although  we  are  not  hypnotizing  our
      be extracted, but they are resistant.  I will   culture and people.    I joke that everyone   patients,  these techniques  utilize  focused
      tell them it is their decision and I will write   thinks theirs is the best, but that isn’t pos-  attention and enhanced suggestibility.  Once,
      it in the chart, but I also tell them that they   sible, and that if everyone knew more about   I think that  I hypnotized  a young patient
      may get pain and swelling, lose work time   all the different cultures, there would be no   in the chair unintentionally.  A young girl
      or ruin a vacation. Many infections are like   prejudice.  These conversations build rap-  needed a filling and I told her to imagine she
      this; a “silent infection”.  Then I stay qui-  port, but because they are of interest to that   is in the park on a nice sunny day.  Imagine
      et.  Sometimes they change their mind.  person, they will be motivated to focus their   you are sitting on the swing and going back
                                                                                 and forth watching the sky go up and down
                                            attention on things that they like. Building
      Finally, PTSD.  Yup, after 25 years or so,   rapport  builds trust and once  people  trust   as the wind passes you and your legs pump
      I discovered the dental version.    Patients   you, they are more apt to follow a reason-  as you go higher and higher. Then I looked
      who have had a toothache and had to have   able suggestion.                at her and she looked spaced out!  Her treat-
                                                                                 ment went fine, but I was surprised at the
      root canal treatment may have been “trau-                                  amazing potential inherent in this stuff!
      matized” by the experience.  Fear is some-   Now let us look at one of the “dominant
      thing that doesn’t just disappear, but it can   laws of suggestibility”;  the Law of   Bibliography
      be repressed.  When these patients have a   Association.    It states,”That  whenever we   1. The Dominant Laws of Suggestibility – Savi-
      sensitive tooth due to tooth decay or root   repeatedly  respond to one particular  stim-  pra Gorospe.
      sensitivity, the memories of the painful pri-  ulus in  the  presence  of  another  particular › 2014/09/09
      or experience can cause them to panic and   stimulus, we will soon begin to associate the   2.  Lynn SJ, Green  JP, Kirsch I, Capafons  A,
                                                                                 Lilienfeld  SO,  Laurence JR, Montgomery GH
      believe they are destined to relive that pre-  one with the other.  Then, when either stim-  (April 2015). “Grounding Hypnosis in Science:
      vious horrible experience.  I believed these   ulus is present, the other is recalled.” Here   The “New” APA Division 30 Definition of Hyp-
      patient’s reactions for many years before I   is an example of how this can be applied.  A   nosis as a Step Backward”. The American Jour-
      realized that they are unintentionally exag-  young boy came in with his mom who said   nal of Clinical Hypnosis. 57 (4): 390–401.
      gerating in response to a much smaller prob-  that she couldn’t get him to brush his teeth no
      lem.  Be aware of this when making your di-  matter what she tried.  She told me that her   Dr. Acquista  graduated
      agnosis.  Temper your enthusiasm.  You will   husband was a car mechanic.  I asked her,   from Columbia College
      be a true hero in their eyes if you tell them   “What does your son like?”  She said racing   10 1977 and  Columbia
      it looks like it is just a cavity (if that is the   cars.  I engaged the boy in conversation, and   School  of Dental  & Oral
                                                                                                Surgery in 1981. He  has
      case). For example,  I had a patient who had   asked him if he liked cars.  “Yes!”  Racing   been in solo practice  in
      #30 extracted and returned several months   cars?  “Yes!”    How about  the  Indianapolis   Brooklyn ever since. He is
      later complaining that #31 hurt every time   500?  “Oh yea!”  Well, do you know how       an independent researcher.
      she bit down or ate. She thought it had de-  those cars race down the straightaways and
      cay or an infection.  All that happened was   turn around the loops? He nodded.  Brush-
      that the tooth had tipped mesially into the   ing your teeth  is a little  like  that;  you go l Spring 2020 l GP 27
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