Page 28 - GP Spring 2020
P. 28

Oral Cancer for the Oral Health Care Provider

                                              By Mohammed Qaisi, DMD, MD, FACS

        Statistics and role of the oral health care   (HPV) is associated with the development  placement and exposed bone should also be
        provider:                             of cancer in the oropharyngeal region, there  scrutinized.
        Oral  cancer  is  an  important  public  health  is little evidence at this time to support that
        issue and is of special importance to dental  it  contributes  to cancer  in the oral  cavity.   White lesions have a transformation  rate
        providers because of the role they play in  While oral cancer historically was consid-  of 3-6% and can range on histology from
        the care of these patients.  According to the  ered a disease of elderly smoking men, the  frictional keratosis to dysplasias and carci-
        National Cancer Institute there were rough-  number of young patients with no risk fac-  noma.  Other premalignant lesions include
        ly 53,000 new cases of oral cavity and oro-  tors developing oral cancer is increasing.  11  verrucous hyperplasia and proliferative ver-
        pharyngeal cancers in 2019.  The number                                    rucous leukoplakia (PVL).   These tend to
        of estimated  deaths  in 2019 was roughly  The overall 5-year survival rate for oral can-  be generalized  and affect the gingiva and
        10,860.   Oral cancer is the 8  most common  cer is roughly 50-60%.   Despite all the ad-  buccal mucosa.  Transformation rates of up
        cancer in males.                      vances in medicine, imaging, radiation and  to 60 - 80% have been reported with PVL.
                                              surgical techniques, the survival rates have   15  Lichen planus is not premalignant for the
        Despite  these  statistics,  there  is  very  little  not  improved  over  the  last  five  decades.   most part, with the exception of the erosive
        awareness amongst the public with regards  Early detection remains the most important  variant which shows transformation rates of
        to oral cancer.  If one was to look at cervical  prognostic  indicator  of patient  survival.   0.5 – 2%.  14
        cancer in comparison, the number of cases  Stage I cancers have 5 year survival rates
        expected in 2019 was 13,170, significantly  approaching  90%, while  stage  IV cancers  Treatment:
        lower than that of oral cancer.   Similarly,  have survival rates of 20-40%.  10, 12  The role  Early-stage cancers usually tend to be treat-
        the  predicted  number  of deaths from  cer-  of the oral care provider in early detection  ed  with  surgery  alone.  Late  stage  cancers
        vical cancer in 2019 was 4,250, less than  cannot be over-emphasized enough.   are usually treated with a combination  of
        half of that for oral cancer.  Yet despite the                             surgery and radiation therapy. Chemothera-
        lower incidence and death rates for cervical  Clinical Exam:               py is added depending on margin status and
        cancer, there  is more  of a  general  aware-  Clinical oral exam is the most effective way  other adverse features of the tumor.  10, 13
        ness of cervical cancer amongst the public.   of screening and examining the oral cavity
        Many are aware that their children need to  for these  precancerous  and cancerous  le-
        be vaccinated for HPV to prevent cervical  sions.  The exam consists of palpation of the  Screening adjuncts:
        cancer  as recommended  by their  pediatri-  neck for any enlarged or firm lymph nodes.   Although multiple screening adjuncts exist
        cians.   Similarly patients are reminded fre-  A positive cancerous node automatically de-  such as the ViziLite and Veloscope,  2017
        quently of cervical cancer as they undergo  creases survival by 50% .  The oral exam  American Dental Association (ADA) guide-
        gynecologic exams and pap smears.     should include close inspection of all as-  lines  state  that  screening  adjuncts  didn’t
                                              pects and mucosal surfaces of the oral cav-  show sufficient diagnostic accuracy to sup-
        The lack of oral cancer awareness is like-  ity in a systematic manner.  High-risk sites  port their routine use as triage tools.  When
        ly multifactorial but partly due to the edu-  such as the lateral border of the tongue and  a  suspicious  lesion  is  identified,  a  scalpel
        cational gap with regards to oral health in  the floor of mouth have higher transforma-  biopsy or referral  to a specialist  should
        medical  school curricula,  4, 5  and the lack  tion rates and should be examined closely.    be performed.  This remains as the single
        of guidelines that promote oral exams and  Any white or red lesion that is present in the  most important recommendation for clinical
        oral  cancer  screenings  amongst  medical  oral cavity for longer than 2-3 weeks should  practice.  It is the author’s opinion that if
        practitioners.   These factors position den-  be biopsied and a tissue diagnosis should be  screening adjuncts help increase  compli-
        tal professionals as the experts on the oral  obtained.                    ance  of the  providers  in  performing  com-
        cavity and the head and neck region.   With                                prehensive oral exams, then their use should
        this status comes the responsibility of do-  Suspicious lesion may present as white or  be continued  however emphasis  needs  to
        ing right by our patients and taking owner-  red lesions in the oral cavity.  Erythropla-  be placed on the direct clinical oral exam.
        ship of this disease through reinforcing the  kias and erythroleukoplakias  tend to have  Should a suspicious lesion lasting  longer
        culture of oral cancer screening, bolstering  a higher chance of being premalignant  or  than two weeks be noted on clinical exam,
        dental school curricula, and through advo-  malignant.  Involvement of high-risk sites  immediate biopsy or referral to an oral sur-
        cacy efforts.  8, 9                   tends to confer higher transformation rates.    geon should be initiated.
                                              14   Other suspicious or concerning lesions
        Oral cavity cancers, when considered sep-  include  ulcers,  raised  lesions  with  rolled
        arately  from  oropharyngeal  cancers,   af-  borders, and red granular friable lesions.   Oropharyngeal Cancers:
        fect men more frequently than their fe-  Numbness of the lips or the inferior alve-  Oropharyngeal cancers involve the orophar-
        male counterparts. Some of the associated  olar (V3) or infraorbial (V2) nerves with-  ynx or back of the throat.  The disease pro-
        risk factors include  cigarette  smoking and  out a definite cause should be investigated.  cess for these tumors tends to be different
        smokeless tobacco use.  Smoking in combi-  Extraction  sockets that don’t heal for ex-  from those for oral cavity cancers.  Oropha-
        nation with alcohol has a synergistic effect  tended periods of time should be evaluated  ryngeal cancers tend to be caused by the hu-
        and increases the risk in a multiplicative  further and not be dismissed as a dry socket  man papilloma virus (HPV) with about 70%
        fashion.  While the human papilloma virus  or osteomyelits. Tooth mobility, tooth dis-  of these tumors harboring the virus.  These l Spring 2020 l GP 28
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