Page 26 - GP Spring 2020
P. 26

Psychology and Patient Management

                                                    By Michael Acquista, DDS

        I used to joke with my patients who state that  with a new patient and looking them in the  the gum, then we’ll wait for a moment, so
        their dog is their best friend and makes them  eye while saying their name, smiling  and  the gum will be numb so you won’t really
        feel better when they are stressed, I would  saying I want to help you to stay healthy, or  feel it when I give you the rest.” Then, “I am
        ask  these individuals  about the pets, who  anything warm and fuzzy, will be remem-  going very slowly so you will barely feel it;
        do they go to when they are stressed?  The  bered.  First impressions only happen once,  if anything bothers you, just make a sound
        poor pets have to deal with all these cra-  so don’t miss your opportunity.  and I will stop and let it wait a moment for
        zy humans!  That’s a big price for them to                                 it to get number. Okay, almost done, you did
        pay, but is it really worth it?  Sure enough,     At the end of the visit say thank you,   it, terrific, rinse.”  Sometimes if they are in-
        a recent study showed that the stress levels   complement  the patient for anything they   dicating they are anxious or uncomfortable,
        of pets are in sync with their owners. It is   did well, and tell them what to expect from   I will stop injecting for a moment, and their
        the same with our patients;  when we are   your treatment,  post-op instructions, and   inner voice telling them that it hurts will be
        stressed, we stress our patients, and when   that they can call anytime  if they have a   challenged by their rational mind that says it
        they are stressed, we experience stress.  If   question or problem.  The last person they   doesn’t.  The power of suggestion:  gently,
        you think about it, this is not a good thing,   interact  with should also thank them  for   tiny pinch, barely feel it, if you feel it we
        however, there are ways to change that.  their payment and wish them a nice day.   will stop and wait for it to numb and you
                                                                                   won’t feel it.  Sometimes I will give them
        We  want  to  be  happy  and  we want  our   Now let  us discuss the  power of sugges-  a second injection, (letting them know it is
        patients to be happy and to tolerate the stress   tion.  When evaluating how likely a person   already numb and they won’t feel it) and say
        of having dental work.  What can we do to   is to be hypnotized, we assess suggestibili-  I want to be sure that they are very numb.  I
        increase the likelihood of having less stress   ty.  The more stressed and fearful a patient   tell them that believe it or not, phobic pa-
        while dealing with the everyday stresses of   is upon walking into your office, the more   tients are some of my best patients;  once
        our daily routines?  Lots of things and they   they are in need of help to mitigating  the   they are good and numb, they are very
        work!                                 fear they have.   Your body language, de-  cooperative, and I reiterate how well they
                                              meanor, and expression can help or hinder   did  at  the  end.    I am  suggesting to  them
        First of all, think about the primacy/recency  significantly.  It is important to assess each   that they are great patients and they may
        effect in psychology.  It states that in learn-  individual patient and be aware of their de-  think I’m joking, but they desperately want
        ing, we tend to remember the first and last  meanor, personality, body language,  and   it to be true and they are highly suggest-
        information presented best, I would say this  method  of communication.    Some  people   ible.    Bam!    They have been conditioned
        also applies to the office experience.  Ev-  are  unemotional, quiet,  and repressed.    If   and motivated to be a good patient and
        eryone appreciates it when they receive  a  you can show that you care, they may open   they’re starting to believe it.
        little  personal  attention,  and  first  impres-  up.  Tell them that you appreciate their can-
        sions mean  a  lot.    When  a  patient  walks  dor and  that  good communication  makes   The  patient  is looking  for your approval
        into your office, someone should say hello  it easier for you to figure out what may be   of their behavior in the chair during treat-
        to them, address them by name, which they  the problem. I tell my colleagues, just listen   ment.  I tell them that I need their help and
        like to hear, and ask them how they’re do-  more to your patients;  they will often tell   compliment them for their compliance and
        ing. Continue by saying something about  you what the problem is!”  Oftentimes, pa-  teamwork.  Patients whom you compliment
        the  weather, or family  events. All of this  tients revert to childhood when in the chair   will appreciate  the compliment  and be a
        personal  attention  is appreciated.    When  and they want to please you, or at least are   better patient. “Thanks for making my work
        the patient comes into the treatment room,  more  suggestible.    In the  previous exam-  easier,  I  enjoy  taking  care  of  you.”    I  am
        make sure you smile, make eye contact, ad-  ple,  I complimented  the  patient  for being   also conditioning myself to enjoy my work!
        dress them by name, and chit chat for just  a good communicator, and subtly motivat-
        a moment to break the ice.  If you ask how  ed them through a compliment, to be more  Okay, how about cognitive  dissonance
        they are doing, be prepared for the distinct  open in the future.  Now they like me and  and reverse psychology?  When I give an
        possibility that they will have a list of wor-  will do more to make my life easier in the  injection  to an apprehensive  patient,  I tell
        ries, complaints,  medical  problems,  or let  future.  The power of suggestion is incredi-  them that now that they got the anesthetic, I
        downs with family that are bringing them  ble!  When I tell a patient to swallow, I im-  want it to work and the longer we wait, the
        down.  Laughter is the best medicine, and  mediately swallow myself, very often, and  number it will get.  Then, I leave the room
        if you can get them to laugh, their unhap-  I think to myself, “Why did I do that?”  I  and wait.  At first, they are apprehensive, but
        piness, negativity, stress or sadness will  couldn’t help it- it was the power of sug-  they want to wait for the numbness to take
        be  temporarily  dismissed.   After  listening  gestion.    Next, the  phobic  patient-  what  affect.  If you wait for about 10 minutes, not
        to a laundry list of complaints, I will say,  is  the  greatest  fear  (they  teach  this  in  the  only will it get numb, but the patient will
        “And what’s the bad news?”, and hope for a  military)?  Fear of the unknown.  Let them  transition from apprehension to impatience
        laugh.  Don’t try this if there are real issues  know what is going on and what you are do-  about  getting  things  finished.    Now  you
        like a husband with cancer or a divorce, in  ing, but not in a lot of detail.  “I will be giv-  walk into the room and the patient WANTS
        those cases I will say, “I’ll add you to the list  ing you anesthetic very gently;  just a tiny  you to get to work!
        of those I’m praying for”.  Shaking hands  pinch and a couple of drops at first to numb
 l Spring 2020 l GP 26
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