Page 25 - K2-M1 - History FB
P. 25

He  used  many  types  of  examination  and

               treatments  for  the  benefit  of  his  patients,
               and was also the first chiropractor to serve

               on the U. S. Olympic Medical Team in 1980.

               Of  interest  for  our  present  study,  Dr.

               Goodheart  realized  that  inserting  needles
               into a body was not always necessary.

               If  people  where  to  tap  on  the  same

               acupuncture  points  that  the  needles  were
               inserted in, they would get results as well.

               An area of interest for many
               of  Dr.  Goodheart’s  patients

               was allergies. Could tapping
               on some points help relieve
               allergies? Indeed, it did.

               Dr. Roger Callahan, PhD – Psychologist

               Below is a summary of what I gathered from

               my  mentors  about  Dr.  Callahan,  and  from

               hearing him tell the story during a recorded

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