Page 34 - K2-M1 - History FB
P. 34

The       foundational         and      revolutionary

               discovery  that  is  changing  the  world,  as
               worded by Gary Craig, is that:

                                The CAUSE of ALL

                             NEGATIVE EMOTIONS
                                          is a

                                Disruption in the
                             Body’s Energy System

               It is THE CORNERSTONE of these therapies,

               now called by many names:

                   •  Callahan Techniques

                   •  TFT-Thought Field Therapy

                   •  EFT-Emotional Freedom Techniques

                   •  Energy Power Therapy

                   •  Meridian-Based Energy Psychotherapy
                   •  EP-Energy Psychology

                   •  BSFF-Be Set Free Fast

                   •  And more… or simply

                   •  The Tapping Techniques

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