Page 32 - K2-M1 - History FB
P. 32

Gary Craig, Engineer and Self-Development


                                          Gary Craig is a Stanford

                                          trained  engineer,  who
                                          was  drawn  to  personal

                                          development.  He  was
                                          successfully          leading

                                          workshops as a personal
                                          development            coach
                                          when  he  heard  about

               Dr. Callahan.

               The technique sounded like snake oil to him
               too... but just in case... it would not hurt to
               check it out. Gary called Roger... they had a

               long  telephone  conversation,  and  Gary
               registered for Dr. Callahan's workshop.

               Gary  is  the  developer  of  EFT  or  Emotional

               Freedom Techniques.

               Dr. Callahan’s Thought Field Therapy consists
               of  tapping  on  certain  points  following
               different  sequences,  depending  on  the

               challenge you are facing:

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