Page 36 - K2-M1 - History FB
P. 36

Chapter 4

                  How I Became Acquainted with the

                              Tapping Techniques

               I learned the Tapping Techniques from Drs.

               David  and  Rebecca  Grudermeyer,  both
               psychologists, during the Annual Convention

               of the Academy for Guided Imagery, held in
               Los Angeles on October 1998.

                             I  had  been  a  student  of  the

                             Academy  for  some  two  years,
                             learning       InterActive         Guided

                             Imagery , and it was Graduation

               I  was  attending  one  lecture  after  another,

               enjoying the different workshops.

               Had I known what I was going to be faced
               with  when  I  entered  the  room  where  the

               Grudermeyer  were  teaching,  I  would  have
               chosen to go to the pool instead.

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