Page 30 - June 2017 Board Retreat BOOK COMBINED NEW
P. 30


                                                     PRE-WORK                                                                                                                 STRENGTHS

                                                                                                         LEADERSHIP                      STRENGTHS                                               BOARD
                                                                                                       REQUIREMENTS                    NOTED BY VPs                                           COMMENTS
          Expand          All market     May need        Probably not                                                               Leaders are subject matter
          Missouri work   sectors        to partner                                                                                 experts representing different
          beyond                         for projects                                                                               markets
          St. Louis Metro                more than 2
          Area                           hour away, or
                                         for political
                                                                                                                                    Our leadership is
                                                                                                                                    diverse in age

          Open office     All market     Currently       Possibly
          in Wisconsin    sectors, current   partnering on
          to expand on    work municipal   work in Green
          current work    with a PK-12   Bay area with                                                                              We are an ESOP, a true
                          opportunity    Performa                                                                                   partnership

                                                                                                                                    Balanced power structure-
          Partner for work   All market   Yes, currently   Possible future                                                          Board/President/PALS
          in Northern     sectors        partnering with   acquisition,
          Indiana         Completed      an engineering   currently
                          a HE project   firm (Millies   partnering
                          recently won   Engineering
                          a recreation   Group) and an                                                                              Leaders are experienced and
                          project        architectural                                                                              strategic minded
                          PK-12          firm (Epoch
                          opportunity    Design)

          Texas: probably   All markets  May be able     Yes,
          Austin, Dallas   If partnering   to partner with   considering                                                            Leaders are subject matter
          or Houston                     KAI - St. Louis   proposal from
                          with KAI - Public   firm for initial                                                                      experts with deep knowledge
                          Safety is most   opportunities  ROG for a
                          likely         Tim/John O      search
                                         visiting TX in July
                                         Accepted ROG
                                         proposal for                                                                               Think things through
                                                                                                                                    thoroughly and do not make
                                                                                                                                    snap decisions
          Corporate       Corporate      Possibly        Possibly
          interiors, could               partner with RE
          be located                     partners or D/B
          in one of                      partner
          our current                                                                                                               Have personal
          markets or                                                                                                                relationships with
          geographically                                                                                                            our clients

                                                                                                                                                                                                                BOARD RETREAT JUNE 2017
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