Page 32 - June 2017 Board Retreat BOOK COMBINED NEW
P. 32

CURRENT LEADERSHIP ROLE STRUCTURE                                                                                         CURRENT LEADERSHIP ROLE STRUCTURE

                                                  WEAKNESSES                                                                                                                WEAKNESSES

             WEAKNESSES                                                BOARD                                                           WEAKNESSES                                                BOARD
            NOTED BY VPs                                           COMMENTS                                                           NOTED BY VPs                                           COMMENTS

          Structure is top-heavy:  too                                                                                              Board Members are not in
          many Board Members for                                                                                                    touch with staff and younger
          the size of the company; the                                                                                              employees; we need better
          “triangle” needs to be right-                                                                                             communication firm-wide
          sized; being a Board Member
          should not be a full-time job
          -- Board Members need to be
          actively involved in projects

          Southern Region is under-                                                                                                 Lack of follow-through (no
          represented on the Board and                                                                                              feedback loop)—for example,
          there is still a cultural gap                                                                                             we’re more than half-way
          between our Northern and                                                                                                  through our Strategic Plan
          Southern Regions                                                                                                          timeline and there’s still a lot
                                                                                                                                    of work to do to meet our
          President and CEO need to be
          different people—one focusing                                                                                             Leadership lacks gender
          on bigger picture and one on                                                                                              and minority diversity
          day-to-day operations

          Leadership and management
          committees have too much
          overlap in their members
                                                                                                                                    Lack of firmwide business
                                                                                                                                    development strategy

          Leadership roles lack clarity
          and the structure chart does
          not truly represent how the
          firm is operating; titles mean
          very little                                                                                                               Firm not operating in
                                                                                                                                    accordance with org chart:
                                                                                                                                    Southern Region operates
          Lack of leadership                                                                                                        closer to original org chart,
          accountability—for example,                                                                                               Northern Region operates
          PALs are not doing what they                                                                                              closer to a studio organization
          said they would and we lack
          a peer review process

                                                                                                                                    Too cumbersome, hard to
          There is a silo effect within                                                                                             reach consensus, not
          each Practice Area with                                                                                                   nimble
          younger staff members

                                                                                                                                                                                                                BOARD RETREAT JUNE 2017
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