Page 34 - June 2017 Board Retreat BOOK COMBINED NEW
P. 34

CHANGES TO LEADERSHIP ROLE STRUCTURE TO                                                                                   CHANGES TO LEADERSHIP ROLE STRUCTURE TO

                        BEST DRIVE HEALTHY FUTURE OF THE FIRM                                                                                         BEST SUPPORT FGM’S CURRENT STATE

                  IDEAS                                                BOARD                                                                 IDEAS                                               BOARD
               FROM VPs                                            COMMENTS                                                               FROM VPs                                           COMMENTS

          Define the CEO role as “big                                                                                               PALs should not be on the
          picture” and make sure the                                                                                                Board of Directors
          CEO is a regular presence in
          all offices so that he/she is
          looking at the “big picture”
          for all offices
                                                                                                                                    Create a strong Executive
          Create a President for each                                                                                               VP for each region to whom
          Region and empower each                                                                                                   PALs would report for
          Region                                                                                                                    accountability

          Each office must be able to
          be nimble and should report
          to one person who then has                                                                                                Define different roles for
          an equal voice at the Board                                                                                               CEO and President, and
          level                                                                                                                     give those roles to different
          This structure should be                                                                                                  people
          scalable so that future
          expansion offices are also
          represented firm-wide                                                                                                     Board should focus only on
                                                                                                                                    issues that the Committees
          The Board should be a small                                                                                               can’t handle
          group and strategic only

          Committees should report to
          the Board
                                                                                                                                    Create a firm-wide business
          Constantly review Committee                                                                                               development position and
                                                                                                                                    establish better business
          members to have the right                                                                                                 development goals and
          people in the right role                                                                                                  metrics that PALs are
                                                                                                                                    responsible for

                                                                                                                                    Improve communication with
          No dedicated Practice Area                                                                                                firm wide updates
          staff members below the Arch
          2 level

                                                                                                                                    Teach all staff members the
          Build more leadership                                                                                                     history of FGM
          accountability into our

          Need to increase emphasis                                                                                                 Integrate Southern and
          on Business Development,                                                                                                  Northern Regions better than
          possibly introduce firmwide                                                                                               currently
          BD role

                                                                                                                                                                                                                BOARD RETREAT JUNE 2017
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