Page 4 - June 2017 Board Retreat BOOK COMBINED NEW
P. 4

DAY 1                                                                                                                      DAY 2

               Opening roundtable:                                                                                                        Work through each of the summaries of the VP input to fully understand the VPs’ thinking and to
                                                                                                                                          hear and record comments from the Board on their thinking and the questions themselves.
               •   How are you?
               •   What would you like the Board to keep in mind as we work through the issues associated                                 Use silent reflection followed by roundtable to brainstorm options for leadership role structure five
                   with geographic expansion and future leadership role structure for the firm? (Or, what is top                          years from now given the possible expanded geographic footprint scenarios that we envisioned
                   of mind for you as we begin this work?)                                                                                yesterday.

               For each geographic expansion opportunity summarized in the matrix, discuss and draw                                       •   This brainstorm should factor the VP input discussed this morning into the firm-wide leadership
               “working” conclusions about the right 3 columns:                                                                              requirements the group articulated yesterday.
                                                                                                                                          •   We should consider a range of possibilities from a lot of change from our current structure to
               •   What is the probability of the opportunity’s success?                                                                     little or none
               •   What is the revenue and growth potential associated with the success of the opportunity?
               •   If the opportunity were successful, what would its leadership requirements be?                                         Open discussion on the results of the roundtable brainstorm to reach a working consensus.

               After completing the matrix, discuss the following questions:                                                              Discuss possible steps of leadership role structure change in developing to that future state
               •   Based on our working conclusions, what different geographic footprints might FGM have in
                   five years?                                                                                                            •   What near-term leadership role structure would best enable us to keep current strengths,
                                                                                                                                             address current weaknesses, adjust for FGM’s current down-sized state, and at the same
               •   Given those possible geographic footprint scenarios, what would be the leadership                                         time drive the future we’re envisioning?
                   requirements for the firm as a whole?  Especially, how would they differ from those of today?                          •   What interim leadership role structure(s) might we envision as we move from current state to
                                                                                                                                             5-year future state?
               Begin work on leadership role descriptions:                                                                                •   Or, how can we work backwards from the future state leadership role structure to one that
                                                                                                                                             would work for us today?
               1)  Compare job descriptions developed by the two Regional Managers and discuss
                   similarities/differences                                                                                               Revisit the preferred 5-year future leadership role structure idea in light of the steps to get there
               2)  Compare job descriptions developed by the three Practice Area Leaders and discuss                                      we’ve just discussed.  Adjust and refine the future structure as appropriate.
               3)  Review John’s descriptions of his roles as President and CEO and get input from the Board on                           Revisit and flesh out the first step—the best leadership role structure for the immediate future--to
                   their accuracy.  Amend as needed.                                                                                      1) make sense for FGM’s current state and 2) to drive the longer-term future of the firm we are
               4)  Review everyone’s descriptions of their role as a Board Member and discuss                                             envisioning:
                                                                                                                                          •   What responsibilities should reside with the CEO role?
               Reflections on the day                                                                                                     •   What responsibilities should reside with the President role?
                                                                                                                                          •   What other firm-wide roles do we need and how should they be structured?
               Overnight assignment:  refresh your understanding of the two VP input documents
                                                                                                                                          Reach consensus on the “first step” leadership role structure as a basis for next generation
                                                                                                                                          leaders to begin taking on key firm-wide leadership responsibilities

                                                                                                                                          •   Including what responsibilities John Ochoa is holding today that make sense to delegate as
                                                                                                                                             part of the initial step of the transition

                                                                                                                                          Closing roundtable:

                                                                                                                                          •   How are you feeling about the work we’ve done?
                                                                                                                                          •   Guidance for next steps?

                                           FGM Board Retreat June 29-30, 2017                               2                                                        FGM Board Retreat June 29-30, 2017                               3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                BOARD RETREAT JUNE 2017
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