Page 51 - MK-1806 Regents School of Austin FINAL
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               Jackson Galloway FGM Architects and Bob Galloway, AIA (our team’s proposed
               Principal-in-Charge) first began serving Regents School of Austin in 1999, when
               the school was meeting in rented facilities on Exposition Boulevard in Tarrytown.

               The design challenge presented to us at that    We believe this to be true of Regents scholarly
               time was formidable: “Establish a campus-       yet local persona and are tremendously
               wide design aesthetic for the present and       proud and grateful to have participated in this
               future of Regents with a gymnasium as           standard-setting architectural expression. In
               an initial building; plus, we need to play      our view, as each RSA building has adapted
               basketball in the gym in six months.” In order   and implemented this motif, the campus
               to complete the gymnasium by the beginning      has grown to embody a truly beautiful and
               of basketball season, design and construction   timeless testament to the values of classical
               were accelerated by implementing a              education.
               “fast-track” process in which the steel
               structure was quickly engineered and ordered    At the time of the gym’s successful completion
               before the final design for the rest of the     (just barely in time for the first game of
               building was complete. Using a combination      basketball season), we also managed the
               of concrete tilt-wall and steel building        construction of the main parking lot, as well as
               shell construction to form the enclosure,       Knights Field. Our next project was the
               considerable attention was then given to the    two-story Logic Hall, completed in 2001.
               design element that would bring unity to the
               multi-facility campus.                          In ongoing efforts to support the school
                                                               through design and planning services over
               A series of lyrical interlaced arches of Texas   the subsequent years, we completed a weight
               limestone were designed to wrap around          room expansion, an athletic facilities master
               the shell of the building and form covered      plan (which included the west campus athletic
               walkways on all pedestrian sides. The idea      fields), and then preliminary design for an
               was to create a place that is both “Learned”    athletics field house, a number of studies for
               (connected to the continuum of history) and     potential performance halls, and early design
               “Native” (of this place, namely Austin).        for the Rhetoric Hall.

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