Page 55 - MK-1806 Regents School of Austin FINAL
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SUSTAIN Resilient communities foster environmental stewardship.
Incorporating an effective and well-considered level of sustainable design
in a project is a means to energy savings, increased occupant comfort, and
stewardship of our natural resources. JGFGM recommends an approach
that is attuned to each project’s program, budget, and overall goals.
PROTECT Resilient communities protect their most vulnerable members.
Assessing potential risks and determining appropriate measures—through
good design, technology, and effective day-to-day operations—will bolster
the resilience of communities to minimize threats and hazards.
ENHANCE Resilient communities are places where people can thrive.
Through a combination of design strategies and operational procedures,
the health and well-being of building occupants can be positively and
measurably impacted. Employing WELL Building Standard™ principles,
we work with our clients to determine and design the most appropriate
solutions for each project’s unique goals and objectives.