Page 59 - MK-1806 Regents School of Austin FINAL
P. 59


               What do you want to do?                         Placemaking
               When we begin the programming phase, we         Moving from the internally-focused Building
               don’t ask our clients how big the classrooms    Program and its lists, numbers, and diagrams
               should be or how much storage space is          to initial design concepts for the Field House,
               needed or the relationship between various      Fine Arts Center, and Cafe in specific campus
               training rooms. Instead, we ask you to tell     locations is often the most exciting moment in
               us what you want to do. How do you like to      the design process. Now the external forces of
               teach? What materials and equipment do you      orientation, geology, and relationship to other
               need to have on hand? What is the preferred     buildings and the natural surroundings come
               practice regimen for the volleyball team?       into play.

               From these discussions we will create a         In these days our team will utilize a wide
               Building Program for the Field House, the       variety of tools and techniques to convey
               Fine Arts Center, and the Café. The program     design ideas related to massing, imagery, and
               will take into account the way Regents School   three-dimensionality. The campus context
               does things – your culture – and will reflect   will be carefully analyzed for clues by which
               this through lists, numbers, and diagrams. It is   the new buildings and landscaping might
               a key step in concretizing your Vision.         be woven into the existing fabric, at once
                                                               strengthening the old and opening up new
               Based on these discussions, we will arrive      perspectives for the future generations who
               at an understanding of the spaces you will      will come to learn.
               need (quantities and square footage), the
               requirements within each space (lighting,
               furniture, HVAC control, etc.), and the
               relationship among these spaces (critical
               adjacencies, circulation flow, etc.).

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