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facility for East Side Fire Protection District; renovations and upgrades to CCFPD engine
                          house no. 1.
                       •   Anticipated work in FY2023 which came from substantial BD efforts and marketing in FY2022
                          - programming and planning for renovations to PSAP Collinsville (IL) PD; conceptual design
                          and planning for new fire department burn building and drill tower; programming and
                          planning for new village hall, police and EMS facility New Baden (IL); programming and
                          planning for new PD Troy (IL); assessment and needs analysis renovated PSAP and PD
                          Kirkwood (MO); programming, planning and design for new ISP District 11 Regional HQ;
                          condition and space needs assessment for satellite fire station, headquarters fire station,
                          police department, EMA / EOC and PSAP Jacksonville (IL); design and documentation for
                          two new engine houses WCFPD; addition and renovation to Village of Glen Carbon (IL)
                          Police Department.
                       •   A trend in public safety project commissions which we saw take shape a few years back with
                          FGMA’s design of the Edwardsville (IL) Combined Public Safety center and continue into the
                          FGMA project in Roxana (IL) for their Village Hall, Police and Fire center has manifested itself
                          in several new / reinvigorated projects for shared public safety end users / agencies – in
                          Missouri: City of Des Peres Dept. of Public Safety HQ (addition and renovation), City of
                          Fredericktown Police, Municipal Court and Fire Departments (new build), and Rock Township
                          Ambulance in conjunction with Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office (new build); and in Illinois,
                          City of Murphysboro City Hall, Police / PSAP and Fire center (new build), Village of New
                          Baden Village Hall, Police and EMS center (new build), City of Columbia City Hall, Police /
                          PSAP and EMS center (new build – possibly to include separate Columbia Fire Protection
                          District engine house and admin headquarters – also would be new build). These projects
                          represent each respective community’s efforts to consolidate resources and be good
                          stewards of public dollars while imparting a smaller footprint and more economical
                          operation. These decisions are believed by their Owners to allow for more staff cross-training,
                          thereby pushing back against the challenge of regular staffing shortages; co-locating staff,
                          entries and circulation and common work spaces to enhance security, collegiality, and to
                          facilitate better service to citizens, businesses and guests, and to provide more effective
                          emergency response when called upon.

                          In parallel to the public safety trend, we have been fortunate to be awarded three exciting,
                          diverse and compelling recreation projects, each of which features a common thread of
                          aquatics and outdoor fitness. In East St. Louis, the Park District which serves its eponymous
                          community as well as many other jurisdictions within St. Clair County (IL) has engaged FGMA
                          to design a replacement for the revered Pop Myles aquatic center in Lincoln Park, downtown
                          East St. Louis. Meanwhile, City of O’Fallon (IL) selected FGMA to lead a master plan,
                          programming and budgeting effort to conceive of major overhauls to the jewel in O’Fallon’s
                          recreation crown, Community Park. The project will feature a replacement to Memorial Pool,
                          new recreation and fitness swimming amenities, tot pool and splash pad, as well as a new
                          bathhouse, renovated parks offices, expanded programming areas, and an outdoor
                          performance venue… all to be ringed by a new multi-use, accessible path network. Lastly,
                          Rend Lake – after a multi-year delay – hired our team to create a master plan and conceptual
                          design for major improvements to the recreation options on their existing campus. To include
                          multiple spray and splash pad areas, playgrounds, a marina, trails and connecting paths,
                          rental pavilions, support structures and a retail / management hub, and multiple types of
                          rental / intermediate stay residential units, the investment will reinforce Rend Lake as a
                          preeminent destination for getaways, regional travel and outdoor adventure in southern

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