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incorporating grey water (purple pipe) systems into all municipal buildings. The second
project is the design of Austin Memorial Park’s restroom renovation project. The construction
is currently on hold and we are waiting for next steps from the City of Austin.
• City of Elgin, Texas. In February 2022, FGMA was awarded the design work for a new, but
temporary, City of Elgin, Texas police headquarters. Elgin is a rapidly growing suburb of
Austin that still holds onto its rural roots. The police department is currently operating out of
a 100+ year old building in its historic district. The new facility will be used in the short term
(next five+ years) as a police station and then repurposed as administrative office space once
a new city hall and public safety complex is designed and funded in the years to come. The
completed design reflects the historical context of the historic main street district and
construction is expected to start in the April 2023. The project is anticipated to be completed
in March of 2024. The project puts FGMA in a positive position for future work with the City
of Elgin.
• City of Jersey Village. In February 2022, FGMA was awarded the design work for a new golf
course clubhouse and event center for the City of Jersey Village’s 131 acre 18-hole Jersey
Meadow Golf Course. The project replaces the current 1950’s clubhouse and provides space
for pro-shop services, office space, dining area, kitchen, and golf simulator bays. The project
is anticipated to begin construction in 2023 and be completed in 2024.
• City of Pflugerville. In April 2022, FGMA teamed with Barker Rinker Seacat Architecture to
pursue and win the $78M, 120k sf multi-generational recreation center project. The project is
part of a larger 27-acre development known as Pflugerville East and is funded primarily
through a general obligation bond and supplemented through a Tax Increment Reinvestment
Zone (TIRZ). The space programming started with the city and the final design, construction,
and finance will be in coordination with the master developer, Catellus. The project is
anticipated to be completed in 2025.
• City of San Marcos. In March 2022, FGMA was awarded one of two IDIQ contracts for the City
of San Marcos. In August 2022, FGMA was issued a scope of work under the contract to
perform a space study of their current facilities to assist with challenges related to growth and
waiting for a new future city administration complex in the next five to seven years. The study
is currently underway and is anticipated to be completed in March of 2023
• Hutto Co-Op District. In 2022, the team continued to add projects to the Hutto Co-Op
District – A 35-acre, comprehensive mixed-use, developer-led town center, with the Hutto
City Hall at its heart, which was also designed by FGMA. In 2022, the team completed
designs and oversaw the construction for retail shell buildings 1A, 1B, 3 and 4 that will be
occupied by Top Notch Hamburgers, a Mexican restaurant, a day spa, a dental office, and
other commercial tenants (fit-out by others). The construction on this set of shell buildings has
just recently been completed, and in 2023 the team anticipates continuing to work on
additional buildings to further realize the master plan for the Co-Op District. Future buildings
to be designed include multi-level mixed-use buildings, a potential hotel, additional
restaurants and commercial spaces, a parking garage, and multi-family housing. These
projects began our foray into developer led projects and underscore the ability of FGMA to
deliver in this expanding submarket.
• Long Cove Community Clubhouse. In March 2022, FGMA was contracted by private
developer for space programming of a future luxury community clubhouse that will serve
both golfers and their families. The space programming was completed in 2022.
• City of Roanoke Police Department and Municipal Court Facility. In August 2022, the team
signed an agreement with the City of Roanoke to design an approximately 58,400gbsf Police
Department and Municipal Court Facility. The police facility will consist of a 36,000sf main
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