Page 25 - The Digital Cloth Holiday issue 2
P. 25

almost talks to me and I instantly              wet felting as well as lots of hand
                 see in my mind’s eye how I want my              stitching and construction to put
                 final piece to look. It can be a                everything together.
                 process of trial and error, but that            I always find myself in love with the
                 is how we as artists learn. I feel my           piece that I’m working on at the time,
                 plan of attack and methodology of               but once that piece is finished, I then

                 working through building a piece                get excited about my next project and
                 has gradually become as organic as  how I can challenge myself by making
                 the nature I am seeking to                      something even more difficult and
                 replicate. I get as much joy from               intricate. If you love what you are
                 watching a tiny bud of thread bloom             making it always shows in your work.
                 into a flower in my hands as I do
                 watch the cycles of nature swirl                My textile journey started in High
                 around me in our bayside paradise.              School with sewing and art being
                 My work doesn’t seek to make photo  my favourite subjects. I have always

                 perfect replicas, but rather capture            been creative and have this constant
                 the fleeting soul of the life I see             urge to make something. For many
                 before me. Sometimes that includes  years I quilted both traditional and art
                 imperfections or even elements of               quilts, I feel that this is what gave me
                 decay.                                          a strong foundation in sewing. Later I
                 I use a lot of different techniques             moved more towards freestyle
                 from machine sewing, freestyle                  machine embroidery- mainly faces as
                 machine embroidery on water                     I was a Hairdresser for thirty years
                 soluble fibre, applique, both dry and           and faces felt familiar to me.
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