Page 26 - The Digital Cloth Holiday issue 2
P. 26
My work was primarily 2D, with it only I regularly exhibit throughout the year and
being in recent years that I have really have been fortunate to have won many
got off the wall and dabbled more with awards. I have had three solo exhibitions to
the immersive nature of 3D. Nothing date and hope to have another again next
better than a piece of work that you can year- I am currently busy building my
walk around and enjoy from every portfolio towards this goal.
angle. Teaching has been another aspect of
I later went back to school, textiles that grants me great satisfaction. I
completing a Diploma of Textile Arts at am a bit of a talker so being able to
Box Hill Institute (sadly this course is interact with liked minded people, pass on
no longer running). This was a some knowledge and have a good laugh
wonderful three years of creating with along the way is very rewarding.
other like-minded artists, giving me a At our last two properties I have had my own
stronger foundation to explore my art dedicated studio space, but at the moment
practice and apply my skills in different I share real estate with the study, which is
mediums. quite small. Once Covid-19 hit and my
husband started to work from home it
became obvious that I needed my own space
again. We had intentions to convert an area
within our shed for my purposes, but as
happens to most of us, it found itself being
filled with more practical storage. We now
have plans being drawn up to build a barn
which will house both a large studio space
and two self-contained units for overnight
accommodation. The plan is to hopefully one
day have an Artist in Residence program
with shared studio space, so that my
landscape muse can also inspire others.