Page 30 - The Digital Cloth Holiday issue 2
P. 30

It was a really joyful experience to think   ages that I got my paints out and
       that I was making people happy during  started to craft the bear costumes and
       this awful time.                                       props from whatever I had in the house
                                                              because I didn’t feel that I could justify
       It never occurred to me to put the posts  a trip to Spotlight as essential if I were
       into a book and I certainly didn’t use a               stopped by the police! Being a crafter,
       camera or try to take quality                          sewer and generally creative person
       photographs which were all taken with  all my life I had accumulated a lot more
       an iPhone11 very quickly. If I’d thought  materials than I had ever imagined. It
       ahead, I might have made a better                      also led me to clean those craft

       effort with the lighting and set ups each  cupboards out and find all kinds of
       day so let’s say the photos and the                    treasures I’d forgotten I had.
       posts are in their original organic state!
       So many people suggested that I make  I’ve been swamped with thank you
       the book that I went ahead. Sourcing a  messages online. People told me how
       program that was economically                          much they’d looked forward to the
       viable wasn’t easy and I certainly                     post each day and how much it helped
       learned from that experience but I am                  them get through this tough time of
       really happy with the result and the                   isolation. It offered a little joy amidst a

       feedback that’s coming from the first                  world that was suffering so badly. So,
       purchasers.                                            from my safe little ISO bubble it felt
       In the book next to each bear I’ve                     good to be able to continue one of my
       written an explanation of how the bear  life’s missions which is to be kind and
       came about and reproduced the                          make people feel good.
       Facebook message for that post as well
       as the number of likes and comments                    Many of the comments were so
       each one received. It’s interesting to                 heart-warming.
       see which were the most popular.

       Reading back chronologically through
       the seven weeks is a reminder to me of

       the weird time it was for everyone so I
       included some of the events that were
       affected as well.
       What started as a challenge between
       cousins across the world became so
       much more than that. (My cousin was
       so busy home schooling her girls that
       she only lasted about a week in the


       For me, with my normal employment
       temporarily on hold it gave me a
       positive focus and reignited my
       creative side. It was the first time in
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