Page 29 - The Digital Cloth Holiday issue 2
P. 29

At the beginning of April 2020 when                     my bedroom window, which is at the
        the world was being held to ransom by  front of the house, making it easy for
        a micro-organism, lockdown had                          me to hear people’s comments as
        already started in many countries                       they walked, especially in the early
        including Australia.                                    mornings. I’d prepare the bear each
        The globe was witnessing various                        night before bedtime so that those
        responses to this newfound state of                     early walkers were the first to see
        living. In the UK children now being                    the new daily bear.
        schooled at home placed rainbows in                     It soon became apparent that

        their windows as a sign of hope. On                     people not just on Facebook but in
 COVID 19 LOCKDOWN MADE   for frontline workers of the NHS. In the  photos and having a laugh. One lady
                                                                the street were having a lot of fun
        Thursday nights there, people stood
                                                                with my bears, stopping to take
        out in the streets at 8pm and clapped

                                                                even knocked on my door one
        USA a trend started that was quickly
                                                                morning and asked if it was ok for
        taken up globally. It began with a
                                                                her to take a photograph of the
        poster encouraging people to put
                                                                bear. She said she worked locally
        bears in their windows so that when
                                                                and made a point of driving past my
        families went out for their daily walks
        to escape the four walls of their
        homes they could go on a ‘bear hunt’.
                                                                her smile.

        I live in a very family-oriented suburb                 house every day as the bears made
                                                                One family from a few doors up made
        in the coastal city of Newcastle NSW                    a special visit every day to come and
        Australia and my house is on a corner                   see the bear and said it motivated
        and backs on to a very large                            them to walk.
        Catholic primary school. So, before                     Having only lived in the street just
        COVID ever arrived I always had a                       over a year, I found that chatting to
        flow of parents and children every                      people as they stopped to see the
        day when school started and finished.                   bear meant I met many of my

        This flow increased during the weeks                    neighbours for the first time.
        of COVID lockdown and continued                         The school next door was
        throughout each day way beyond                          undergoing a huge building program
        school drop off and pick up times as                    so the Tradies parked in our street
        families increased their daily walks to                 most days, arriving very early and
        get out of the house.                                   even they started to wander past and
        So, I decided to put a bear in the                      have a chuckle and make the odd
        window and posted a picture of it on                    comment so I did have to think of
        Facebook. My cousin in the UK saw it                    some more adult concepts for them

        and challenged me to change the bear                    and the parents.
        every day and she would do the same                     The comments on Facebook were so
        in Tynemouth.                                           uplifting and positive and I could
        For the next 51 days and with the help                  detect that many of my followers
        of lots of friends and family to give me                were waiting each day to see what
        ideas I changed the bear each day in                    today’s bear would be.
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