Page 17 - UNIZULU Disaster Management Plan Report
P. 17
The CRT is a dynamic strategic and tactical team that will be established and meet frequently for a finite period during an emergency response. All strategic and tactical management decisions will be made within the CRT and will be communicated to other parties, internal or external, as required.
5.4.1 The role of the CRT
1) Ensure that emergency plans are in place, are fit for purpose and are periodically tested.
2) Identify the resources required to support the University during an incident and where these are insufficient to cope with the scale or duration of an emergency, identify and acquire any additional resources required.
3) Ensure that sufficient capacity exists within the CRT to oversee the maintenance of operations over a 24- hour period.
4) Establish appropriate longer term business continuity arrangements to assist with the recovery phase after an incident.
5) Secure the cooperation of others internal or external to the CRT who can assist with management and recovery.
6) Provide comprehensive leadership and ensure that an accurate log is kept of all actions during an incident with an associated summary report, detailing actions taken and the rationale for any decisions made
7) Declare ‘stand down’ from an incident and direct the appropriate recovery processes, debriefs and return to normal operations.
8) CRT members have the authority to take all steps necessary to control and manage an Incident. These steps may include but are not limited to:
I. Taking control of operational employees
II. Establishing an Incident Control Point (ICP)
III. Commandeering other accommodation as
IV. Closing buildings, parts of buildings or
surrounding areas
V. Prohibiting specified activities
VI. Controlling traffic
VII. Requiring assistance from employees,
compatible with employees’ capabilities
VIII. Introducing control measures and remedial
action as required.
Decisions will be commensurate with the risk but should err on the side of safety. CRT members act with the authority of the VC and will not delay taking appropriate action as speed may be of the essence. This will be achieved through clear and unambiguous communications with the wider university community.
5.4.2 CRT Callout
While it should not be assumed that CRT members are ‘on call’ on a 24/7 basis, this should not prevent them being contacted at any time when this is justified by the PSD Control Centre in response to an emergency escalation procedure.
Call out of the CRT will be initiated by the PSD Control Centre who in the first instance will contact the Director: PSD or the Deputy Director: Security. They will then make an immediate assessment of the situation and will decide whether to invoke an CRT Call Out.
This will be escalated to the Executive Director: Infrastructure and then to the DVC, who on agreement to a CRT callout will contact the designated Strategic Arm (members), and agree on the action to be taken.
Any member of the CRT who is physically called out to the site of an incident will normally report in the first instance to the PSD Control Room where an initial assessment/update of the situation and what is known at that point will be required.
From first notification of an emergency the CRT will nominate someone to maintain a timed log of actions taken, instructions issued, persons contacted, etc.
5.4.3 Incident Room(s)
Incident rooms have been designated in key locations on both campuses and the one selected for use will be determined by the PSD.
KwaDlangezwa campus Richards Bay campus
5.4.4 Equipment List
Each room should have the following equipment:
1) Direct-dial telephones (not via the College system)
(satellite phone)
2) Large-screen TV with service channels