Page 24 - KZN Film A Report
P. 24

                                PROGRAMME TWO:
Finance and Administration
      Programme Purpose
The effective administration of the Entity is essential to ensure efficient service delivery. The Finance and Administration business unit provides the required services such as financial management, human resource development, information technology and corporate services.
Functions co-ordinated under this Programme include:
• Financial management and cost accounting
• Supply Chain Management
• Human resources management
• Information communication and technology management
• Business facilitation to attract investments and fund-
               Key Performance Indicators, Planned Targets and Actual Achievements
High-level Review of Performance Information
 Outcome: Effective administrative business processes that inculcate good governance, risk management and compliance
 Performance Indicator
   Actual Achievement 2019/2020
  Planned Target 2020/2021
  Actual Achievement 2020/2021
  Deviation from planned target to actual achievement
   Opinion expressed in the AG report.
  Unqualified audit opinion with no material findings
 Unqualified audit opinion with no material findings
   Unqualified audit opinion with no material findings
   The target for unqualified audit opinion with no material findings was achieved for 2019/20 financial year
    Outcome: Increased participation of the designated groups in the film sector
        Percentage of procurement budget spent on designated groups
   The target was exceeded as
a result of the pre-requisite requirement for EME’s or QSE’s and minimum B-BBEE status level
    Clean Audit on Financial, Compliance
and Performance Information
KZNFC organisational environment operations are founded on principles of good corporate governance. Despite the economic constraints that had an impact on its budget, the entity’s operational efficiency remained a priority. The entity remained resolute in ensuring that good corporate governance prevailed through sound administrative practices, effective operational systems, mechanisms to
ensure financial oversight, information technology, and the IT Steering Committee.
The entity has continued to maintain general compliance with all applicable legislation, regulations and policy frameworks. This is evident in the clean audit the entity achieved during the 2019/20 financial year.
The external audit was carried out during the lockdown period and whilst challenging in terms of accessing required documentation, it resulted in a substantially reduced audit fees for the entity.

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