Page 41 - 2024-eca-yearbook-final
P. 41
1142 HIPPOCAMPUS Jim Lathrop
1337 SPECIAL DELIVERY Tom & Melinda Coppa
1550 STORM PETREL Jameson Chace
2030 KATH Douglas Obrien
Fleet 5 Newport, Rhode Island
Southern Narragansett Bay, 1971
Fleet Captain: Scott Mason
Fleet 5 remains level at this time
with 3 boats (with the return of
1082, Challenger) competing in
the Spinnaker Tuesday night
series and 4 boats reporting for
the Wednesday evening JAM
series (blade). This turnout
should remain constant for the
2024 season.
2019 Regionals held in
Newport. Photo by Kath Jones.
Summer 2023 was plagued with
several stormy nights, and between
the T-storms and a couple of windless race nights, we saw at least 4+
races cancelled or abandoned!
Overall results for 2023 as follows:
Tuesday Spin Nite
1 Gusto 1407, Scott & Terry Mason
2 Cydarydigo 1431, Bill Steel
3 Challenger 1082, John Spohn
Wednesday JAM Nite
1 Gusto 1407, Scott & Terry Mason
2 Cydarydigo 1431, Bill Steel
3 Temptation 1686, Jeff Staats
This upcoming 2024 season, Fleet 5 will host the II/III Regionals in July
in conjunction with the Sail Newport Regatta. Sail Newport is now in their
40 year as a non-profit sailing foundation. They report early turn out for
this coming summer’s Regatta is a record for the sheer number of one-
design classes posting entries! Looking forward to a good turnout from
our Ensign fleets in CT, RI, MA & ME.