Page 8 - Winter 2021 Tags and Swipes
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Tags and Swipes, Winter 2021

                              From Our Director Coordinator

          In These Uncertain Times

          That’s an expression that we’re all so tired of  When the time comes that we can safely gather
          hearing even though it’s an apt description of the  and sing I believe that our appreciation for all the
          last 10 months. Life has been turned inside out  things we didn’t know we were taking for granted
          and upside down on every level for every person.  will be overwhelming and emotional. We’ll be
          And, our beloved chorus life takes place in little  able to infuse our music with all that emotion and
          boxes on a computer screen. Many days it’s hard  gratitude.  What a glorious time that will be!
          to wrap your head around.                       Until then, we’ll continue go to our computer
                                                          screens, log in to Zoom and share our music and
          But, what hasn’t been undone is our dedication to  our friendship in those little boxes. We’ll do it
          our craft, our hobby, our music and to one      with great dedication while we look forward to
          another. We may not have Zoom rehearsal every   getting rid of those boxes!
          week. And, when we do rehearse it’s likely not
          for as many hours as we do in person. There’s
          also more social time, time to chat, to catch up
          with each other and sometimes to play a game.
          It’s not ideal but from what I’ve seen with my
          own chorus and with other choruses we’re all
          making the best of it.

          As   directors  we’ve  come    to  rely  on
          Assistant/Associate Directors more than every.
          We’re grateful when someone in the chorus says,
          “I’ll set up and coordinate our Zoom meetings.
          You have enough to do!” We’ve had to think
          outside the box – all the while rehearsing in a
          little box! All our singers have had to get used to
          singing alone and that’s not something any of us  Gail Jencik
          signed up for. But, we’re doing it. Why? It’s
          because of that dedication to what we do and who  Region 1 Director Coordinator
          we do it with!                                  Region 1 Education Team
                                                          International Faculty


                                 North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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