Page 4 - Spring 2020 Tags and Swipes
P. 4

Tags and Swipes, Spring 2020

                         From our Regional Education Coordinator

         Hello Region 1!

         Well……I don’t know about you, but I would have never seen this Covid -19 coming to disrupt our
         world! I hope everyone is staying safe and hope that my little tips helped you to come up with ideas to
         keep you going. Those of you on Facebook have seen all the creativity that has been coming out with all
         of this, Jennifer Cooke using Zoom for a virtual meeting of her chorus as well as singing a song in lead,
         to have someone else add bass, etc. Harborlight Chorus in California had a Zoom happy hour! I was told
         that the Education Direction Committee would be sending things out as well. Keep in touch with each
         other as our music can help with anything.

         My personal opinion is that the “video regional contest” probably won’t be able to be rolled out the way
         things are going now. I’m sure they worked long and hard to make this option a possibility, but I think it
         would be a tough way to compete. Again….my personal opinion. As I have always said, “there is life
         after contest.”  There are so many things individuals can do to improve their personal voices in
         preparation for when chorus starts in person again. The other thing, is that you can educate yourself
         further pertaining to barbershop harmony and singing your part smart.

         Anyway….looking ahead! As I said in my last article: Exciting things coming up! Peggy Gram will be
         the faculty for the RQA Day August 1, as long as everything is clear by then…..stay tuned!  AND
         Jennie Morton will be the faculty for fall regional September 25-27, 2020. Jennie was the guest faculty
         for International’s Director’s / Visual Performance Seminar in San Antonio, Texas this past summer.
         Kim Vaughn, and Mary Rhea were the chair people for the event, and hired Jennie to teach after hearing
         her teach ONE class at a different event!!! I know you will enjoy her! Her British accent, her
         demonstrations, etc. It was one of the best, if not the best workshop I have EVER attended. She makes
         you think outside the box, and gives a lot of new ways of trying things, both vocally and physically. She
         said, why would you stand with your weight on the balls of your feet, and not keep yourself well
         balanced for control? She taught us a very easy exercise for creating better balance! (Standing that is!
         Which can be used for everyone, even non singers). Mark your calendars now! Sheraton Framingham is
         a perfect location for this event. We will be publicizing this event outside of our region because I know
         others will want to come to see Jennie!

         You can look Jennie up online. She is offering a lot of classes now about health coaching. She is posting
         different topics on her Facebook page.

         As you know by now, Karen Sweeters is our new Education Coordinators of May 1, so things will be "
         achanging!” Change is good! I know whenever I started as DMA, or Education Coordinator, I came in
         with new ideas and ways of doing things. The same thing with Karen. Heaven knows I’ve been doing
         this for long enough, having been DMA/Education Coordinator in 1997 for 9 years, and then returning
         again during the new governance. I will still be involved as International Faculty and will see you at
         regionals, but I am also looking forward to shifting some of my energies to the Lions International
         Organization. I will be District Governor this coming year.

                                           (continued on the next page)


                                 North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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