Page 8 - Spring 2020 Tags and Swipes
P. 8

Tags and Swipes, Spring 2020

                         From Our Regional Marketing Coordinator

        Hello Region 1 Sisters!

        It has been very fun to see the things that choruses and individuals are doing to stay connected to each
        other and the music. We've seen "Quarantine Challenges", throw back photos, many singing videos and
        more. Keep it up my friends! It is a great way to keep spirits up and fill our Facebook and Instagram
        pages with the joy of harmony and sisterhood despite the physical distance. And it’s just good fun too!!

        I would love to highlight anything that you are doing to keep in touch or to make each other smile. Please
        let us know by tagging the region in your posts and I will share them throughout the week.

        Also, we are continuing with our plan of highlighting a member of the week every Monday of the month,
        except for the last Monday of the month where the chorus of the month will be highlighted. This is a great
        way for us to get to know one another throughout the region and learn some new things about the
        Choruses we are so fortunate to have in North Atlantic Region. If you are interested in being highlighted
        or    would    like  to   nominate    someone    to   be    highlighted,  please   email   me
        at or find me on Facebook and send me a message-my username is
        Laura (Lala) Carey.

        This is a very strange time we are journeying through and so I am glad for this opportunity to connect
        with all of you. The whole world is experiencing something unprecedented and seems trivial to be sad
        about contest being cancelled or rehearsals not coming together for a time-however, I saw an Instagram
        post the other day that said something along the lines of--It's okay to be sad over things that seem small or
        unimportant in the midst of global crisis, it is no small thing to change your entire life, even temporarily.
        So be kind to each other and yourself, for the only way to get through this is together.--

        Looking forward to connecting with all of you virtually until we meet again.

        With Harmony and Love,

          Lala Carey

          Regional Marketing Coordinator


                                 North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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