Page 21 - 2018 Fall Tag and Swipes
P. 21

Tags and Swipes, Fall 2018

        Harmony on the Sound Chorus

        It’s been a sizzling summer in HOTS land!       • As the summer winds down and fall arrives,
        Highlights include:                             HOTS has a full calendar of festivals planned.
                                                        We’ll be setting up our marketing table at the
        • On May 23 , we launched a 3-week              Milford Oyster Festival, the St. Paul’s Apple
        membership drive that brought us 17 guests who   Festival in Monroe, and the Newtown Arts
        received vocal lessons from our own Karen       Festival.  We’ll be singing by the table to attract
        Sweeters. Since then we have welcomed 6 new     attention, and in Newtown, we’re the featured act
        members: Julia, Lin, Maggie, Janice, Heather,   on Saturday night.  We love to get out in the
        and Sandra!                                     community to spread the word about Barbershop!

        • HOTS welcomed back Lustre, our Sweet          • We are so excited to join the Madhatters
        Adelines reigning Queens of Harmony, for        Chorus, a BHS chorus from Danbury, CT, for
        another fabulous coaching weekend June 1-2.     their September 29  show, “Together in
        • Our directors, music team, and management
        team (not to mention all our members) have been   • Save the date! November 10, 2018… Harmony
        busy: we’re learning new music!; new choreo!;   On The Sound and “The Acropolis Diner”
        new plans for two shows this fall!; and new ideas   proudly present… “Greece: The Musical!”
        for New Orleans 2019.  We can’t wait to         Watch our Facebook page and website for more
        represent Region 1 down south!                  information.

                                                                                            Tammy Cook


                               North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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