Page 31 - Fall 2017 Tags and Swipes Newsletter
P. 31

Tags and Swipes, Fall 2017

Valley Shore Acappella (continued)

VOCE Quartet at RQA Day

We had a chorus meeting after contest to focus on things we wanted to accomplish in upcoming year.

One thing that stood out was new music for our repertoire. Angie had us make a list individually of 3

favorite rep songs, one Christmas song, and a competition ballad. It was lots of fun going over the
“wish” list. Angie narrowed it down to music that was in our “wheel house” and we voted for the
winners! We are currently learning “Mary, Did you know?” and are starting on “Lion Sleeps”! The

next few months will be filled with new learning tracks, being off paper and digitally taping those
songs for passing. We’re all so excited with the changes and activity in our chorus.

Last weekend, several members of VSA had the opportunity to attend RQA in Hartford. The Buzz
was the faculty for the day. To say they were tremendous would be a complete understatement.
Several quartets came and had coaching sessions with Karen Breidert-Bari, Jeanie Froelich-Bass and
Nancy Cloeter-Tenor. Unfortunately, Debbie Cleveland-Lead, was unable to come at the last minute.
Some of the quartets that benefited from these amazing ladies were VOCE, Boston Accent, Saffron
and Uncorked! Needless to say, the singing was pretty awesome! Our region is so fortunate to have
this event every year. RQA day in August is not to be missed.

September is rapidly approaching and by the time you read this, we’ll be seeing you at Fall Regional

2017! It will be held in Framingham, MA on Sept.15-17 with Royal River Chorus as hostess chorus.

We hope to see many of our Region 1 family there. Not long after, many of us will be travelling to

Las Vegas on Oct.9-14, to support our Region One winners, Boston Accent, 2017 quartet winners,
VOCE, 2016 Int’l Mike testers, Harmony on the Sound Chorus, HOTS! Whether in Vegas in person
or watching the Webcast, we’ll be applauding our Region One family!

                                                                                          Mary Lou Zinser

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