Page 26 - Fall 2017 Tags and Swipes Newsletter
P. 26

Tags and Swipes, Fall 2017

    Rhythm of NH Show Chorus

      September is upon us and we look back on our last few months with both sadness and joy. Our family
      lost some members to the heavenly choir: Nancy Wimmer and former members Bonnie Boutin and
      Ginny Dawson. We miss them tremendously and are grateful for having known them.
      Despite our losses, we have grown this year – in members and in skill. RNH was honored to earn
      Second Place and Most Improved Chorus as we competed among some amazingly talented choruses
      in the region. We were gratified to receive recognition for the hard work put forth by our singing
      sisters, our wonderful director Jessie, and we were lucky to have had some great coaches this past year
      – Mo Field, Karen Rourke, and Karen Breidert–to name a few.
      This summer was exciting and busy! We had fun performing for the Mayor's Senior Luncheon in June
      and the Warde Health Center in July. The audiences were captivated by our sound and even sang along
      when a familiar song was heard.
      We ran our annual Summer Singsation event in July and August and we anticipate our membership
      growing again as several guests plan to audition! We performed at the Fisher Cats game in August as
      the finale for our guests and our families. Everyone loves baseball, Comic-Con, and Atlas Fireworks!
      We were excited to host the Valley Chords at an interchapter chorus party in August – we had fun
      singing with each other and singing and ringing tags.
      Full speed ahead, we are looking forward to our annual performance at the Voices of the 603 Acapella
      Concert, the Veterans Count: Salute our Soldiers Celebration, and our upcoming show: Royal Pains:
      the Perils of Princessess on November 11th at the Derry Opera House. After the show, our favorite
      time of year, December, is upon us, where we have numerous holiday performances already lined up!

                                                                         Leighann Maher and Andrea Younie

                               North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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