Page 25 - Fall 2017 Tags and Swipes Newsletter
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Tags and Swipes, Fall 2017

Profile Chorus

Profile has been having a wonderfully productive         Attending Dale Syverson classes with Quartet
summer in our new digs! It has been a real treat to      International Medalists FRENZY! was definitely
have a safe place all to ourselves, with nobody          one of the highlights for me.
jumping on the ceiling above our heads or blasting
music in the room next to us, not to mention using       It was fun to meet new people from all over the
the only other available room as a dressing room.        world. What a great experience!"
We now have plenty of space, clean bathrooms
(with warm water!), and were even given access to        Terry also shared that she applied for and was one
a classroom where we could set up air conditioners       of three recipients of the Region 1 Director
and fans for the summertime. Admittedly, we still        Scholarship, a $500 scholarship available to front-
manage to warm that room up pretty good by the           line Region 1 directors.
end of rehearsal, but it's a much better situation than
trying to cool down an auditorium!                       Kay's take on IES week:

In other exciting news, Profile's director, Terry        "I had wonderful classes with Peggy Gramm, Kim
Neill, and our bari section leader/budding arranger,     Wonders, Suzy Lobaugh, Dale Syverson, Deke
Kay Bilodeau, recently attended IES in Baltimore.        Sharon, Sharon Babb, and Jim Arns. Deke was a
Terry was thrilled to take advantage of the              ball of energy and talent all rolled up into one. We
tremendous educational opportunities offered by          met lovely people from around the country and
some of the biggest names in a cappella, as she          gained great tips for improving our vocal skills.
never gets tired of learning new things and passing
them along to the chorus members to make us better       Loved singing with Royal River!
singers! She came home this past week with what
amounted to 16 typed pages of notes, quotes, and         The deluge of rain that fell so hard one night as we
kinesthetic exercises for us. It's a treat when she      were walking to the Mixed Quartet competition felt
shares them when we aren't expecting them. The           like we were walking in a stream, against the
exercises really make us think, and our sound            current and uphill, with no one in sight. Felt like we
improves immediately!                                    were in our own personal hurricane.”

I asked both Terry and Kay to share some of their Wow! Their descriptions make me wish that more

favorite moments during the week. From Terry:            of our chorus could have attended. What an

                                                         incredible assemblage of teachers and classes. I

"So excited to have the return of IES! Special find myself wondering if any of it is available on

Faculty Deke Sharon and Tom Carter were DVD. I know I'd buy one!

amazing! The classes were fabulous!! I attended

classes with Dale Syverson, Marcia Pinvidic, Profile is heading into autumn with great

Darlene Rogers, Britt-Helene Bonnedahl, Lori anticipation for our annual retreat at the Inns at

Lyford, and Kim Vaughn as faculty. I got some Mills Falls in scenic Meredith, New Hampshire.

great tips and learned so much from all of them! (I We will undoubtedly have a wonderful weekend

attended only Dale Syverson's classes on my first away and can focus our attention on all the brand-

day. I felt like a bit of a stalker, but it was worth it!) new stuff that Terry will be teaching us. It's always

                                                         a great time: singing, learning choreo, playing

We were so proud of all the competitors in the games, and eating great food with our best buddies!

Mixed Harmony Quartet and Rising Star Quartet

Contests. A special shout-out to our Region 1 Of course, we can't wait to show the region all that

competitors in both contests with congratulations to we've learned, which we hope to do in the spring of

Rising Star 1st place winners ADRENALINE!!               2018. See you all then!

                North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines                            Deanna Dean

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