Page 23 - Fall 2017 Tags and Swipes Newsletter
P. 23

Tags and Swipes, Fall 2017

Millennium Magic Chorus

Hello Region 1 —
Time has been flying by since May’s contest! Millennium Magic has been busy planning for our winter
season and excited to see some of our coaches, Mike Gabriella, Vickie Maybury, and Joe Connelly once

Our lovely lead Sarah Wilson is now Mrs. Martin. We were honored to sing as she and her new husband
walked down the aisle greeting all in attendance. It was a beautiful , picture perfect evening.

While many of Region 1 were at IES, several MM’ers, including our Karen Braden who was a “house
mother”, were at Harmony Explosion at Worcester State University.

Our VOCE was the faculty quartet for the girls chorus of over 80 excited and enthusiastic high schoolers.
What a wonderful job they did with these girls!

MM will have had our “Summer Sing and Ring” open house event by the time this Tag’s and Swipes is
being read! I hope you were among those who checked us out, enjoyed the “runaway leads” post, as
well as our night of coaching with the “Bel-canto Belle”, Debra Lynn. Millennium Magic is always
looking for new members so if you missed our August open house date, plan to visit us any Tuesday!
International Competition will be upon us in a couple of weeks — several of MM will be at “Vegas 3”
cheering on Laurel Strielkauskas who is dueling with FVC in Harmony Classic Division AA contest, and
of course, cheering on our amazing VOCE quartet!! Best of luck ladies! We love you!

Have a wonderful holiday season, and see you once again in January!!

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