Page 19 - Fall 2017 Tags and Swipes Newsletter
P. 19

Tags and Swipes, Fall 2017

Farmington Valley Chorus (continued)

Not only that, she and her trusty assistant/husband Bob check out the venues before the performances for
parking and entrances and to make sure everything is set for us. Carolyn also takes attendance and the
notes after rehearsal and gets those out lickety split to the whole chorus so those of us who couldn’t be there
know what happened. If anything else comes up during the week –Carolyn is the one who tells us about it.

She also picks up the coaches from the airport, gets them to their housing, gets them whatever quirky thing
they desire, and provides lunch for them. Who is the Awesome one(s) in your chorus?

Singing – oy vey have we been singing. We were in high demand over July 4th. We did an outdoor show in
Madison CT that got rained out and turned into an indoor show, and the next day sang with the Wallingford
Symphony Orchestra – outside- no rain – but blinding spotlights.

A number of FVC-ers attended RQA at the University of Hartford. Facilitated by The Buzz, it promised to
be wonderful, and it lived up to that promise. Though the Buzz lead, Debbie, wasn’t able to come, the other
three delightfully provided so much great information with so much laughter and stories that time just flew
by. We all wanted MORE!!! One thing we all learned is if Heidi ever needs a new career she would be
great at hawking souvenirs.

Have you seen the Runaway Leads? Our very own Linda and Mel from HOTS are going to attempt to visit
and record fun stuff from every chorus in Region 1. They visited Farmington Valley for our coaching
session with Vickie Maybury. Check out the videos they did with SONE and Berkshire Hills too . See them
all on Region 1’s Facebook page, click on the videos tab and scroll down. They’re a blast to watch.

We had Janie Tamarkin and Karen Sweeters in to jump start our Vegas package. We had Lynn Smith in for
showmanship help and Vickie Maybury in to “beat us up” for both showmanship and music. Next up is Joe
Connelly in September. Our package is so much fun to sing and each of these fantastic coaches have
brought some fun nuances to make the show even better. We’re psyched! We’re going to be awesome in
Vegas!! If you’re not here for Regional be sure to listen on the webcast October 10th.

We’ll be performing to make Region 1 proud.

                                                                             Nancy Propfe

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