Page 18 - Fall 2017 Tags and Swipes Newsletter
P. 18

Tags and Swipes, Fall 2017

    Farmington Valley Chorus

       Though Farmington Valley is laser focused on International right now, we have woven a lot of fun in.

       Vivacious and vibrant Betty Ciriello celebrated her 40th year with Sweet Adelines in July. Betty and her
       trusty sidekick, Pat Coffey (who has been a Sweet Adeline for 50 years this year), drive almost an hour
       every week to rehearsal and are up on those risers shakin’ their booties and out-singing and out-
       showmanshipping even those half their age. Both are coming to Vegas with us –Livin’ the Vida Loca!

       Exemplary Captains were appointed this summer to watch over sections of the chorus and help us navigate
       through our new choreography, determining if it was good enough to cruise through or to be thrown
       overboard. Captain Hook, the Skipper, Captain Jack and O-Captain-
       My-Captain ( Sharon, Louise, Cathy and Laura) did a fabulous job
       making sure there was smooth sailing through the summer.

       Goofballs galore! Who knew that Cheryl could not only cook up a
       great ringing chord, but was a beast at the grill- cooking up burgers
       and dogs for us all. We had our first FVC BBS BBQ at Cheryl’s house
       on the lake. Playing games like “Ring Them Bells” and “Cool
       (uh…freezing) Costume” and a totally inappropriate game using toilet
       paper and plungers reminded us how wonderfully goofy we are. Some
       of us even ventured out on the lake in a deflating five man float,
       singing tags and going in circles because the two oarsmen couldn’t get
       their rowing choreography in sync. A really fun time with just us
       FVC-ers goofing off. We’re hoping it will become an annual event.

       Awesome members -we all have them- you know, they’re the ones who do so much for your chorus but most
       members have no idea what that awesome person does, and how sunk the chorus would be without them.
       This summer FVC created the “You Are Awesome Award”. It comes with a plaque, that the recipient will
       sign or engrave their name on the back and give it up after an appropriate amount of time (at the whim of the
       management team who decides who the next recipient should be). Our first “You Are Awesome Award”
       went to Carolyn Gresham. Carolyn is officially our Performance Manager. She seeks out performances,
       coordinates and negotiates with the customers (who sometimes can be incredibly neurotic), and coordinates
       with the chorus/director providing info on costumes, songs, scripts and directions.

                               North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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