Page 13 - Fall 2017 Tags and Swipes Newsletter
P. 13

Boston Skyline Chorus (continued)                           Tags and Swipes, Fall 2017

 Summer would not be complete without our               Hampton Beach
 annual pool party at Wendy's house! Even the
 threat of thundershowers could not keep the party
 down. Our (somewhat) synchronized swimming
 team still was able to get in their practice session!

 As Summer is coming to an end (unfortunately!),
 the chorus is preparing for our Annual Show on
 October 22nd, which will again be held in our
 rehearsal space, Temple Emunah in Lexington.
 Finally, we are looking forward to Regional
 Weekend, especially this year. Boston Skyline
 Chorus, along with Cranberry Shores Chorus,
 will be serving as the demo chorus for coaching.
 Hope to see you all in Framingham in September

                            Janice Mottolo

                                                        Pool Party Fun

Retreat with                                                            13
Diane Porsch

                North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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