Page 21 - Fall 2017 Tags and Swipes Newsletter
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Tags and Swipes, Fall 2017

Island Grove Chorus

                     Singing is Joyous!

As Sweet Adelines, we strive to convey our enjoyment of song to as wide an audience as possible.
Island Grove Chorus (IGC) is proud to be a “community performance chorus” (a “CPC”, to coin a term)
that regularly performs for various community venues. Our public performances are about “spreading
the word” about women’s barbershop. Audiences are especially impressed with the a cappella aspect of
our performances, punctuated with lively choreography.

A sampling of our performances include: a St. Patrick’s Day Celebration at the Wollaston Church in
Quincy, MA, (above), and a Fourth of July All-Town Music Celebration in Abington, MA, (below).

                                         Adelene Ellenberg

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