Page 20 - Fall 2017 Tags and Swipes Newsletter
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Tags and Swipes, Fall 2017

Harmony on the Sound Chorus

HOTS has been busy this summer working             At the time of this writing, HOTS is coming off
toward our trip to Vegas 3! Between the usual      of a coaching weekend with the always
schedule of rehearsals, in house PVIs and Pod      wonderful Betty Clipman! And we’ll be coaching
work our members have still managed to find        with the dynamic Vicki Maybury in September.
time for a few extracurricular activities.
                                                   But wait! There’s more! HOTS is also
Patti Lavernoich and Debbie McGrath                representing at the Milford Oyster Festival where
represented Harmony on the Sound as chaperones     we perform and staff a booth. Several of our
at the Young Singers Harmony Explosion Camp        membership have found us through the booth at
Northeast 2017 in Worcester, MA. Sponsored by      the festival. We’ll also be singing our National
the Barbershop Harmony Society it’s a top notch    Anthem for the Bridgeport Bluefish on
vocal coaching and choral instruction in one       September 3. Whew!
weekend that is open to all high school aged
singers, male and female. Patti and Debbie served  HOTS is thrilled to be representing Region 1 this
as chaperones during the three-day weekend and     October in Vegas and can’t wait to share the
lived to tell the tale!                            MGM Grand Arena stage with our Region 1
                                                   sisters and spread a little more love of harmony
Judy Lang, Annette Landry and Lynda Kupson         with the world.
helped represent Region 1 at IES this year and
came back fired up and full of great ideas to                                              Paula Glen

                               North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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