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Tags and Swipes, Winter 2018

                         From our Regional Administrative Director

       Dear Region One,

       It  is  with  great  joy  and  anticipation  that  I  wish   Taking  into  consideration  retirement,  members
       each  and  everyone  of  you,  your  family  and   moving out of the region, how does your chorus
       chorus a Happy New Year! All too often we look   shape its membership and marketing programs to
       back on the previous year and only remember the   accomplish this goal?  We will be addressing this
       things that did not go the way that we wanted, I   in  a  concrete  fashion;  we  hope  that  each  and
       prefer  to  think  of  those  experiences  as  lessons   every chorus will take this on as well!
       learned  and  to  set  achievable  goals  to  move
       forward.                                         There is more to come, stay tuned and see you at
                                                        Winter Regional!
       The  Regional  Executive  Committee,  (Deb
       Richard,  Regional  Membership  Director,  Heidi   May  2018  be  filled  with  love,  laughter,  good
       Zacchera,  Regional  Education  Director  and    health and joyful song.
       myself, Regional Administrative Director) met in
       early  December  for  an  evening  and  a  day  to
       discuss the future of Region One. We are meeting
       in  January  with  our  Resource  Teams  to  discuss
       the  Strategic  Plan  further.  We  are  also  inviting
       you the membership to a Q & A session at Winter

       But here in a “nutshell”, are some ideas for you to
       take back to your choruses:

       How can  your chorus become more involved at
       the  regional  level?  We  are  looking  for  more
       candidates  to  groom  into  future  leaders.  Please     Wendy Davies
       ask these people, from your chorus, to complete
       an application, indicating their skills and submit it     Regional Administrative Director,
       to the region. This application form can be found
       under  regional  documents  on  the  Region  One   Regional Executive Committee

       website.  There  are  short  term,  long  term,  team
       and leadership positions on every resource team.
       We  want  to  redevelop  our  “skills  bank”,  so  we
       need  you,  as  a  member  of  Region  1  to  deposit
       your “skills” into the bank.

       We would like to see our region grow by 10% in
       five years time. What does this mean? Can your
       chorus grow by 10% by 2023?


                               North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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