Page 6 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 6

Tags and Swipes, Winter 2018

                        From Our Regional Membership Director

        Membership growth and retention…
        more like oil and water

        What we are experiencing with our membership numbers … the ups and downs  is really no different than
        other Regions.  In fact not much different from other organizations.  It seems you get 5 perspective members…
        2 that join your chorus  and  then later that year you have 3 current members that resign  or change to associate

        How do we retain our faithful members; as they mature and show signs of “burn out” or at least “slow down”
        while entertaining energietc prospective  members?  Yes  the over achievers are there too.

        In the beginning  that is easy.  For the new member catching up on the current repertoire as well as realizing
        we move AND  sing…  is all exciting and challenging to them.  Feeling how the harmonies lock chords  and
        the ringing; meeting new people.

        6 months later  they have caught up;  they have acclimated into the chorus family. And they’ve experienced
        their first competition.     Now What ??

        We  need  to  think  outside  the  box.  Why  not  think  about  giving  them  a  new  song  to  learn?  Encourage
        quarteting Or start a VLQ  ( very large quartet) with some of the chorus over achievers.  Or give them a couple
        songs to “try out”  knowing  they may not make the repertoire. Most of them are thirsty to learn.

        Newer members bring with them fresh ideas.  They don’t have the “we’ve always done it this way” attitude.
        We need to listen to them;  give them a focus.  And allow us seasoned members to feel their excitement.  What
        knowledge of social media… technology  could they share with us  or marketing…   How did they find us?
        Get them involved.

        I am so excited to have such capable, enthusiastic members of Region One working with on the Membership
        Resource staff; Annette, concentrating on assisting you build your membership; Judy; there to guide you thru
        maintaining your membership  and Marie is available  to provide alternative membership solutions.

        Our  design  is  to  meet  with  every  chorus;  get  to  know  you  all  better,  to  understand  and  celebrate  your
        uniqueness. To support your strategy for membership growth and retention.  Please share your ideas, what
        works for you  and why.  We’re ready to listen!

        Let us all become so passionate  that when you hit the right notes and it rings making your teeth hurt; your ears
        buzz ; your hair stand up….. so many chills  so little time;  you just can’t help but share it with the world.

        Have a great year!!

          Deb Richard

          Regional Membership Director,
          Regional Executive Committee


                                   North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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