Page 11 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 11

Tags and Swipes, Winter 2018

                             The Neighbors Took a Road Trip!

          Wake the Neighbors Quartet

         As  most  of  you  know,  our  wonderful  bass,   It  was  great  getting  to  see  Amanda’s  news
         Amanda  Pitts,  is  Fox  40  News’  newest  TV    station.  We  even  got  to  try  out  for  the  anchor
         reporter in Binghamton, NY.  Although we still    position!  We  don’t  think  our  phones  will  be
         get together and skype on a weekly basis, nothing   ringing  any  time  soon.  We  think  we’ll  stick
         can replace singing in person.  So, the Neighbors,   singing barbershop.
         along with our good friend Elyssa Hurley, hit the
         road  this  fall  to  visit  Amanda  in  her  new
         surroundings.  It was a great weekend of laughter,
         singing, and sightseeing.

                                 We even got to meet a
                                 celebrity!   Amanda
                                 lives near the amazing
                                 April  the  Giraffe  who
                                 famously gave birth to
                                 baby  Tajiri  this  past
                                 spring.   She  loves
                                 carrots!  And  having
                                 her   picture   taken.
                                 Rumor  has  it  that  she
                                 may be pregnant again.           --Steph, Amanda, Martha and Karen
                                                                  Wake the Neighbors Quartet
          Hopefully, Amanda will get to cover that story!


                               North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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