Page 16 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 16

Tags and Swipes, Winter 2018

        Coastline Show Chorus

        September  9   CSC  put  on  a  fabulous  annual   Amanda  explained  that  she  hadn’t  joined
        show sharing the stage with old and new friends   Coastline  until  the  age  of  nine,  paused,  and
        at a new venue. Maureen McGovern (yes, THAT     remarked with her pretty poker face “That’s nine
        Maureen  McGovern)  was  our  special  guest  and   years I’ll never get back.” Hilarious!
        star  of  the  show.  The  Narragansett  Bay  Chorus
        and various quartets joined us at the recently and   Leanne  Ayotte,  Amanda’s  also  talented  mother
        beautifully   renovated   Bishop   McVinney     who  sings  lead for  Coastline,  was  delighted  but
        Auditorium in Providence, Rhode Island.         all  of  us  felt  a  tremendous  swell  of  pride  in
                                                        Amanda’s success and poise like her aunties and
        The next morning Maureen McGovern graciously    sisters we feel we are.
        dazzled  as  she  conducted  a  master  class  to  a
        packed room at the Mary K. Hall Music Mansion,   Our holiday show Saturday December 2  at La
        also in Providence.                             Salette  Shrine in  Attleboro,  MA  was  a  sold  out
                                                        smash! There were experienced stage mates and
        Joe  Connelly  coached  us  the  following      some gleeful first timers.
        Wednesday  evening.  It’s  always  an  especially
        energetic rehearsal with Joe C in the house!    New quartets Leo and Sing It To Me! Presented
                                                        two song sets as did Region One medalists Wake
        Fall Regional Weekend was both instructive and   the  Neighbors.  Four  Fun  was  unable  to  appear
        fun,  as  usual.  Several  of  our  newer  members   due to the illness of one member but they stunned
        dressed  as  flappers  and  lead  Jennifer  Flamand   December 10th at the Valley Shore Chorus’s 40
        won best costume!                               Anniversary show in Connecticut.

        We enjoyed a day of coaching with Queen Lynda
        Keever Saturday September 30  and again were
        with her Wednesday October 4 . Her insight and
        experience always enlighten.

        Saturday  October  7   we  had  a  successful
        fundraiser organized by lead Pam Pachomski. We
        collected  clothes  and household items to  donate
        to Savers. It was a win/win for the chorus and for
        Savers’ clients!

        At the SAI competition in Vegas we were thrilled
        to see and hear longtime CSC lead Amanda Pitts
        and her Rising Star champion quartet Adrenaline
        entrance the live and web-cast audience with their
        enviable vocal agility and stage presence.

         Amanda  brought  down  the  house  at  one  point.
        All  members  of  Adrenaline  have  had  lifelong
        Sweet  Adelines  and  or  Barbershop  influence  as
        described by each quartet member in turn.              Leanne and Amanda at the Holiday Show

                                 North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21