Page 20 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 20

Tags and Swipes, Winter 2018

        Farmington Valley Chorus (continued)

        handicap accessible, not way out in the boonies
        with  no  highway  access,  and  air  conditioned.  It
        was not an easy find, but Laura did it. Not only
        that  but  she  commandeered  her  son  to  load  her
        van with the risers (which took two trips) and set
        them  up.  Then  come  back  and  take  down  the
        risers and load them back into church where we
        normally rehearse (which took two trips). For her
        perseverance and dedication without most of the
        chorus knowing how much it required, Laura was
        the second recipient of our “ You Are Awesome”
        award. (pictured on the right)

        Still, there is no rest for the weary. After Vegas,   Laura Towles with her “You Are Awesome” award
        our annual Christmas Concert was a little over a
        month    away.   We    needed    to   prepare.    on  the  dotted  line.  They  are  Ieva  Higgins,  Pat
        Aaaaahhhhhhhhh….a script, costumes, programs,     Lary, Beckie Sahl and Kathy Trujillo.  They are
        guests, venue, publicity and of course songs.  All   as welcome as warm socks.
        the  bells  and  whistles  for  our  Christmas  “Ring
        Them Bells”. When it rains it pours and, as you   We did two performances, one at the East Granby
        know in New England, when it snows it dumps.      Library and another small group of us sang carols
        We had unseasonably warm weather and Mother       at the Ojakian Commons for those suffering from
        Nature picked one day to let her son Mister Snow   MS. They fed us cookies and warm cider.  It was
        get  the  best  of  his  brother  Heat  Miser,  and  she   so heartwarming to spend time talking with them
        picked our show day. It was as sloppy as a soup   after.  The true Christmas spirit that music brings.
        sandwich out there. About 75 brave souls made     We’re still busy as bees with all hands on deck.
        the  trek  out  to  hear  us,  and  sing-a-long  to   We  are  hosting  the  Winter  Regional  in
        Shirley’s Christmas letter . We invited Simsbury   Springfield.  Songs,  costumes,  decorations,  jobs,
        High    School   men’s   a   cappella   group     baskets,  vendors,  registration,  hotel  rooms…
        “Unaccompanied Minors” to be our guest. They      aaahhhhhhh!  We  hope  you  will  come  and  Live
        sang  two  songs  that  delighted  the  crowd.  We’ll   the  Dream  of  having  fun,  learning  some  music,
        have them back for another round of merriment     making  new  friends,  and  meeting  and  learning
        I’m  sure.  We  also  had  two  in-house  quartets   from Master Level Director, Showmanship judge
        perform for the first time, “#Trending Now “and   and two time Queen Peggy Gram.  It’s going to
        ‘Solstice” and our dual members from Berkshire    be dreamy.
        Hills also performed with their quartet “On The
        Rocks”.  The  refreshments  after  in  Palmer  Hall   Quiet before the storm? Competition is in April
        were  table  miles  long,  but  everything  was   ..aaaaahhhhhhh!  Whose  idea  was  that  anyway?
        hoovered. Another successful annual tradition!    We have Joe Connelly Michael Gellert and Julie
                                                          Jeffrey  all  coming  in  to  befuddle,  bemuse  and
        As  we  have  done  in  the  past  we  invited  guests   badger  us  into  shape.  We’ll  be  like  kids  in  a
        and former members to come sing with us for the   candy  store.  We  hope  your  holidays  were  as
        Christmas show. No pressure, just have some fun.   sweet as you all are.
        We  had  six  people  take  us  up  on  the  offer  and
        four   of    them   auditioned, passed   and   signed
                                                                                        Nancy Propfe

                                 North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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