Page 24 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 24

Tags and Swipes, Winter 2018

        Merrimack Valley Chorus

                                         Love and Joy at MVC

        Our  shared  passion  for  barbershop  singing  can   From  planning,  to  the  last  curtain  call,  to  the  last
        provide so much for which we can be thankful.  At   bite at  the  afterglow,  the  experience  was  certainly
        Merrimack  Valley  Acapella  Chorus,  we  were   magical.
        reminded of these things over the last few weeks.
                                                        Finally, we had the pleasure of performing for the
        We  were  visited  by  a  friend  of  the  chorus-  Steve   holidays.  Our holiday performances are a personal
        Tramack- who brought his energy and passion for   favorite of many of the group, and it showed in our
        excellence.  These served as a reminder of why we   numbers.  MVC  was  able  to  spread  some  holiday
        sing together and in this style of music.  We took   cheer in Reading and Tewksbury, as we share some
        that drive and passion with us as we prepared for   of our favorite songs and carols.
        our annual show.
                                                        As  individuals,  we  are  blessed  with  the  time  and
        The  chorus’s  annual  show  in  Tewksbury  was  a   talent to be able to pursue this art.  Music enables us
        blast!  We  were  joined  by  numerous  family   to explore our emotions, be creative, and encourage
        members, friends, and supporters, as well as some   others to do the same.  Our weekly rehearsals are a
        new  faces  this  year.  MVC  was  lucky  to  fill  so   space to seek comfort, advice, and to strive for more
        many  seats  and  receive  all  sorts  of  wonderful   alongside  your  fellow  singer.  We  recognize  that
        feedback.  Town  Meeting  joined  us,  and  they   this makes us incredibly fortunate, and that it is an
        helped  kick  the  show  into  overdrive.  The  whole   experience  to  cherish.  MVC  wishes  to  send  love
        day  was  filled  with  laughter,  music,  and  indelible   and harmony to all our fellow Sweet Adelines for a
        smiles.  A performance to be proud of and one to   Happy New Year.
        celebrate our hard work as an ensemble.
                                                                                          Kate Bonci


                                 North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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