Page 27 - PowerPoint Presentation
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Tags and Swipes, Winter 2018

        Profile Chorus

        Is  it  really  the  end  of  2017  already?  My,  my,
        how  fast  a  year  can  fly!  Profile  has  enjoyed
        another  eventful  year  of  singing,  coaching,  and
        learning,  capped  off  by  our  fantastic  retreat  in
        November at the Inn at Mills Falls in Meredith,
        New Hampshire.  Our faculty, Diane Porsch and
        Pam  Calveric,  did their  best to draw  us out  our
        comfort  zones  and  perform  with  over-the-top
        characterization.  It took a bit of coaxing, but in
        the  end,  all  members  were  engaged  and
        enthusiastic  participants!  At  the  end  of  the
        weekend,  we  were  all  singing  and  emoting  like
        Broadway pros.  (Now, if Terry can only get us
        to do this on command – like, all the time!)

        Of course, our educational weekend was capped
        off  by  the  usual  eating,  laughing,  drinking   Diane  and  Pam  were  the  impartial  judges  who
        (perhaps  a  bit  too  much?),  and  a  newly  created   decided the  outcome  of the  contest.  Luckily  for
        competition called Profile in Parody, which was   us, we were ALL declared winners and will have
        hilarious,  memorable,  and  will  likely  become  a   to pass the award around so each of us can enjoy
        retreat  tradition.      The  chorus  was  split  up  into   proudly displaying it in our homes.   Yay!
        four teams, and each team had to create a parody
        of  a  repertoire  song  and  sing  it  (complete  with   Profile  also  enjoyed  several  end-of-year  holiday
        choreo  and  costume)  for  the  rest  of  the  group.    performances.  We had our favorites, Merrimack
        The winner had the dubious distinction of being   Outlets  and  Strawbery  Banke,  all  lined  up,  and
        presented  with  the  most  hideous-looking  award   we were looking forward to them!  We did sing
        ever created … but, hey, that's part of its charm   on  three  different  days  at  Merrimack,  but  after
        (or so I am told).                              being in the cold weather for hours, several of our
                                                        members  were  hit  with respiratory  ailments that
                                                        not only caused them to miss our annual holiday
                                                        party,  but  forced  us  to  cancel  our  Strawbery
                                                        Banke singing engagement due to lack of healthy
                                                        voices.  Our two Profile quartets, Musicality and
                                                        No Kiddin', also suffered the same fate and had to
                                                        miss  performances.  Boy,  those  nasty  viruses
                                                        really clobbered us this year.

                                                        We  are  hopeful  that  everyone  who  is  currently
                                                        under the weather will have a chance to recover
                                                        over  the  Christmas  break  and  be  back  in  good
                                                        form when we reconvene in January.   See you all
                                                        at Winter Regional!

                                                                                          Deanna Dean


                               North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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