Page 22 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 22

Tags and Swipes, Winter 2018

        Heart of the Valley Chorus

        After a tumultuous  year of tearful goodbyes to departing members and an urgent necessity to relocate
        the  rehearsal  space  we  have  been  in  for  over  ten  years,  HOV  is  settling  into  new  digs……new
        songs…….and most importantly……new SINGERS!

        It is easy to forget the eagerness and great anticipation with which a new member looks forward to
        getting  beyond  the  audition  song  and  on  to  a  folder  full  of  “rep”  just  waiting  for  her  to  dive  into.
        Newbies remind us of this excitement…..and of the other things that a new member appreciates when
        first stepping into a tight group of singers as an outsider.

        One  new  member,  Carey,  who  is  pictured  above  examining  her  new  treasure  trove  with  our  music
        librarian, Donna, had this to say about her recent experience as a visitor and then as a new member:
        “….the moment I walked in I felt enveloped by a warm and welcoming atmosphere. This was not just
        from the people designated to greet new folks, but every member of the chorus. From that day to this it
        feels as though every member is genuinely happy to see me. In addition, people have checked in with
        me along to way make sure I was comfortable and had all I needed to succeed. That generosity of spirit
        has been one of the big reasons I keep coming back, as well as my love of the singing and the fact that
        there are built in singing lessons! “

        Carey is eager to experience her first Regional Educational weekend in Springfield and we, as a chorus,
        are eager for a year that is brimming with promise and hope in 2018

                                                                                Christine Nolan


                                 North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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