Page 26 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 26

Tags and Swipes, Winter 2018

        Post Road Chorus

        Post  Road  Chorus  has  had  a  very  busy  and  interesting  fall  season.  Fund  raising  activities  were
        continued to support the journey to New York to perform at Carnegie Hall in 2018.

        Halloween isn’t just for kids. Being as how the holiday actually fell on rehearsal night, we decided to
        come  to  rehearsal  in  costume.  Very  interesting  outfits  were  evident  including  Elaine  Savoy’s  dog
        costume which was very dramatic.

          In  honor  of  Veterans  Day  the  chorus  provided  entertainment  for  local  veterans  at  their  Charlton
          luncheon. We performed the Armed Services Medley which they found very moving indeed.

          On 11/19/17 we joined the Worcester Men of Song at the Mechanics Hall in Worcester. We sang Lida
          Rose with the guys to a very warm audience reception.

          We ran a membership drive offering potential members the chance to join us in learning a couple of
          Christmas  songs  with  the  possibility  of  performing  them  with  us.  The  weekend  of  December  2nd
          through the 3rd was a busy one. Saturday found us performing as guests at the Diane Kelly Holiday
          Revue held at the Hanover Theatre and Sunday at one of our favorite venues, Old Sturbridge Village.

          We sang for the residents of Briarwood on 12/12/17 as they graciously provide the Post Road Chorus
          with a safe, warm place to rehearse every Tuesday evening.

                                                                                  Peg Forget

                                 North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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