Page 25 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 25

Tags and Swipes, Winter 2018

        Mollyockett Chorus

        The  historic  town  of  Paris  Hill  was  a  beautiful  location  to  sing  for  the  Paris  Hill  Music  Festival  in
        August.  We enjoyed a sunny day performing on the green.  In September, we returned to The Sawyer
        Memorial in Greene, ME, for two shows and a week later performed at the Norway First Universalist
        Church.  It was great to be so warmly received at both venues by enthusiastic audiences.  Sneaking a
        peak past the director and seeing audience members singing along is always heartwarming.

                                                                In  November,  we  had  the  privilege  of
                                                                singing  “At  Last”  for  our  member  Jan
                                                                Ward’s daughter and hubby-to-be at their
                                                                rehearsal dinner at Brian’s Restaurant in
                                                                Bethel.  Amazing  how  the  din  of  other
                                                                dinners  went  silent  a  few  measures  into
                                                                the song.  Restaurant guest requested that
                                                                we keep singing, but we were on our way
                                                                to join other musical groups and sing at
                                                                the “Coffee House” at the Bethel Congo
                                                                Church, a few blocks away

        .The first Friday in December, we got into the Christmas spirit early when we went Christmas caroling
        in the shops on Norway’s Main Street, providing holiday cheer for the local shoppers.  The following
        Friday we were the invited entertainment for the Norway Library Holiday Open House.  The Chorus
        and the audience had a very merry time.

        Our  last  event  for  2017  was  our  annual  Christmas  Pot  Luck  Party  and  Yankee  Swap.  A  time  to
        appreciate the friendships and love we share with our “sisters in song” in the Mollyockett Chorus.  We
        wish all of our “sisters in song a Happy and Healthy New Year!

        The  Mollyockett  Chorus  is  thankful  for  our  new  director,  Simon  Smith,  who  is  adding  his  musical
        talents  to  rehearsals  and  great  interpretation  to  our  music.  We  will  be  celebrating  Simon’s  first
        anniversary with the chorus in January.
                                                                                        Jolan Ippolito


                               North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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